Chapter 26 - Christian

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I am still in my piss poor mood when I pick Merry and drive us to Ethan's house. We're going to have dinner here. Merry didn't try to talk to me too. She looked at the street, lost in her own thoughts.

We arrived at Ethan's house (or palace?).

I open the door for Merry, she smiles and says thank you to me. I should smile at her back, but I can't. I hate to know that she just came here for Helen not for me.

She takes my hand before we climb the stairs to the main door. "Ian, are you mad at me?" She says softly, her eyes glassy. Fuck! I feel like the biggest asshole in the world now.

"No Merry. It's just... When I accepted this invitation. I was hoping you could come with me for me not for Helen. I didn't know you accepted the invitation because of Helen, or maybe you just want to spend some time with Mads"

Merry opens her mouth but nothing comes. I put my hand on her back and walked her to the door. I don't think I can say another word to her right now.

She is wearing a long sleeve short black dress. The dress hugged her petite curves perfectly. It's not a sexy, daring dress, but her body is so sexy, I don't think she can wear anything that doesn't look sexy on her.

Ethan and Madeline welcome us with a view of them kissing passionately under the Christmas tree.

I clear my throat with the not too subtle "PG rate please" I joke. They both jump back. Merry comes behind me and laughs "Now I know why the magazine said that Ethan Hall couldn't wait to claim his girlfriend"

I chuckle. Few days ago Ethan and Mads attended a socialite engagement and the paparazzi got a picture of Ethan devouring Madeline in his car. Of course Ethan doesn't mind. Actually he wanted to show the world that Madeline is his.

"Thanks for the most perfect time to ruin the moment, guys" Ethan says dryly. We all laugh and embrace each other. I never seen Ethan so relaxed like this. Madeline is really good for him.

Merry tells Madeline she brought some wines, and both of them saunter to the kitchen to open the wine.

Ethan looks at me. I know he senses something. "You messed things up" that's a statement not a question.

I exhale "I'm not E" and that earns me a look from Ethan.

"Look, I'm pissed with Merry okay. She blatantly told me she comes here tonight for Helen. I was the one who invited her—"before I can continue my complaint, Ethan stops me.

"Looks like you are the one who should take Relationship 101 class, cuz"

What the hell?


Helen prepared a lot of food on the table. It feels like I'm back to 5 years old me when I was so happy for Thanksgiving and mom told me to shut my mouth because I'm too noisy. She took me to the room and hit my ass so many times until it hurt for me to sit down.

Damn! I need to control my breath. It's getting erratic now. I spin around to go away from the dining table when Merry comes behind me. "Ian?" She says softly.

I just look at her brown eyes. I'm still panting. I can hear Madeline's excited voice behind me. She is talking with Ethan and Helen.

Merry holds my hand, and peeks at the 3 musketeers. "Helen, I forgot my camera in the car. Ian and I will take it. Is that okay?" My back is still facing them.

"Sure, dear. Take your time." Helen says to her.

We go to the garden. We can go to the car from here but she stops. "Are you okay, Ian?" She looks at me with her soft eyes. I hug her, breathing her scent that never failed to calm me down.

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