Chapter 57 - Christian

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Fuck me!

"Merry stop!" I try to hold her in place, but drunken Merry is persistent. She keeps snuggling to my cock.

She giggles "I thought you like it when I snuggle at your cock"

I like it alright, but I want her sober. And most importantly I promise to her and myself that I will prove to her that it's not about sex. I love her and I won't touch her until she believes my love for her. But damn it! How can I control myself when she is like this. I always lost my control in front of her. Drunken Merry will make my job harder or even impossible.

Merry starts kissing my cock, my abs, going up to my chest and my neck. "Stop Merry" I hold her in place. She pouts "why? Because another woman does this better than me?"

"What the hell?" I look at her "there is no other woman. Why do you keep talking like that? You know I love you!"

She laughs "liar!!! L. I. A. R." She hiccups in every alphabet. It's useless to talk with drunken Merry.

Suddenly she kisses me. Her mouth devours mine. I'm trying to cling to every control I have. She mounted me and she takes my hand to her breast. Damn it! I lost control. I missed touching her. So I devour her lips, my hand massages her breast, the other one squeezes her ass. Fuck I can feel her hot pussy on my pants. She is wearing a fucking short dress. Trust me, I'm going to burn this dress after she takes it off.

She is rocking into me "Ian... fuck me" she moans. I kiss her. My hand creeps from the hem of her dress to her pussy. She is wet. I rub my hand on her pussy. Her moan is getting louder. "More Ian..." she says and she leans her head back. Give me more access to devour her neck. I give in. I miss her too much. Her scent, her soft skin, her moan. Her. Merry... my Merry...  shit! What did I do? I promise to prove to  her that it's not just about sex. I pull back with everything I have.

"I love you Merry..." I kiss her forehead and I put her back in her seat. I can't see her now. I look at the street. I can feel my heartbeat thump wildly, and I'm still panting. So does Merry. She doesn't move from her place.

After breathing sometimes, I look at her. Her eyes on me, she licks her bottom lip. She is nervous, guess she is getting sober.

"We almost arrived. You need to.." I gesture at her dress. Her dress is messy. The skirt is hiked up until I can see her thong. Her tits almost spill out from her top. She starts to fix her dress wordlessly. And because I'm not sure with my libido, I look away.

We arrived at the hotel. I walk her to the elevator. She comes with me willingly.

"Your room number, Merry"

She shakes her head. I exhale. The stubborn Merry is here now. The elevator is open. Both of us come to the elevator. I press my floor. She doesn't move. Guess we are on the same floor.

"Are you going to tell me your room number or you want to go to my room?" I look at her.

"You said you want to talk" her voice is small.

"Are you sober enough?"

She nods. I look at her. I don't think she is in a good phase to talk, but I don't think if I say no she will be okay. So I nod. I take her to my room.

"Drink some water" I gesture to her at the mini bar. This time Merry is following what I say. She walks to the mini bar. I go to the drawer looking for Advil.

I come back with Advil. Merry is on the couch with a glass... why does she use the glass? The water in the hotel is using a water bottle. I sit next to her. "You okay Merry?"

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