Chapter 6 - Meredith

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5 years ago

Meredith sat on her couch when there was a bell.

"Let me open the door" Madeline squeezed Meredith's knee before she went open the door.
"Hi Bea"

Meredith exhaled. She was one with the most followers in a social media platform, in youtube she had lots of subscribers. She was one of the most famous social media celebrities. She was grateful for this, but last week when her love life became a tragic drama and consumed by the public she was thinking if she was a normal girl, she wouldn't be this miserable. She was thinking what if her life wasn't like this.

Bea came in and sat next to her. She looked at Bea "You look great!" She said dryly. Bea exhales. She was (is) her manager. Bea is a famous artist manager, she has her own management. No one knows how old she was. Maybe around 40. But some people said she was in her 50's. But her skin looked flawless to be 50 or even 40.

"You look like a fish without water" Bea said dryly.

She exhaled "what do you expect from me Bea? Drink a champagne for a successful tragic drama of my love life? It's trending on youtube. Did you know that? Hey actually I should post a video on youtube about my break up and get lots of money from that". Meredih could see from her peripheral that Mads gave her a sympathetic look.

Bea exhaled "look Mer! You can cry or whatever now. But there is a big thing waiting for you in the future. Don't let that stupid rat crush your spirit and soul. He is not worthy!"

Meredith smiled weakly. "It's so nice of you come to here to be my cheerleader"

"I come here for you as your friend. And I come for you as your manager. I want you to put your big girl panties and face the world. Listen I hook you up with 2 big singers. Next week you will have 2 auditions. One with Christian Hall..."

Meredith's eyes widened "oh my God. Christian Hall?" He was so handsome. Meredith was one of his fans. His mesmerizing blue green eyes were Meredith's favorite.

"Yes, and the other one is Leticia Dunhill"

Meredith squealed "oh my God. How come you got both of them? Leticia and Christian. Oh God. I think I'm hyperventilating now" Meredith fanned herself"

Madeline laughed. "I vote for Christian Hall. He is so sexy! Heh if you can hook up with him, Jase will eat his nails!"

Bea chuckled. "I agree with Mads. Hopefully you can get Christian. As for Leticia, she was calling me yesterday. She is the one who wants to collaborate with you"

"God I love Leticia. Her voice is magic" Leticia Dunhill was the winner of one of the most famous talent shows and became famous in the music industry.

"So, put your smile on! You will nail one of these auditions. Start the recording. And after that, Jase is just a piece of unimportantly old memories. You've got what I mean?"

Meredith nodded. If she could go big. She could start her new life as a Hollywood celebrity instead of social media celebrity, Jase would be her yesterday. No one would talk about her and Jase relationship anymore. No one will think Jase is a big part of her life.

"Nice, now I have to go to my other client. Be safe Mer don't do any stupid things for that rat. You can make a statement in every of your social media platforms gracefully. Don't stand low like him. He is not worthy" Bea stood.

Meredith inhaled and nodded. "Fine, Bea! I know what to do" Meredith stood too.

"You don't have to send me off. I know where is the door" Bea put her hand on Meredith's shoulders. "Good luck, Mer. I have faith in you" somehow the way she said it more like a friend than her manager.

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