Chapter 48 - Meredith

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I was shocked when I saw the video of Ian and I in the boutique. The precise video was I sat on Ian's lap with a seductive smile that makes people more believe that we are together.

Ian looked fine with the video but I was freaked out inside. I didn't show it. But I felt like I'm back to 6 years ago when everyone was looking at my relationship with my boyfriend.

What if after this Ian finds a new partner and forgets about me? Break up with me today and date another woman tomorrow? Or worse he cheats on me?

I'm so pathetic. I can't help my brain to not think about all the negatives.

Bea told me to not freak out. She even assured me Ian is different from Jase. She asked me to stay relax and don't do any stupid that will affect our perform today. So here I am with my happy mood. Trying so hard to forget about the video and my negative what if.

By the way...

It is freaking cold here! Why I'm so stupid to choose this dress. I'm in the tent for the touch up. Ian hasn't seen me. He is still in his room, men don't need thousands of makeup and hairspray. Yuka comes to me with a cup of coffee. "45 mins to go after that you can change to a bulky jacket" she laughs.

"Can we switch outfits?" I say salivating with her thick jacket. She looks at the tent door "no need. Your man is here to warm you"

I spin around. Ian looks so handsome in his black turtleneck sweater, trousers and black blazer. His hair tousled, his eyes twinkles, he wears the sexy grins on his lips. Wow!!

I just realized he checked on me too. I know he likes what he sees. And suddenly he realized I'm freezing. "What the hell Mer! Are you planning to be an ice cube up there?" He comes to me trying to warm me but my fur jacket is in the way.

"Relax Ian. I'm wearing a jacket" I smile for his sake.

"It's an open jacket. It's windy out there. You have another dress? You brought like 5 dresses not to mention the other ones you bought yesterday" he is frowning. Okay, he is mad at me because I didn't choose my attire properly. I look at my watch 15 mins before the show. Need to calm down Mr. Hall asap before the show.

I look at my make up artist "do I still have to stay here or can I go for warming up?" I smile to her. She nods. "You're done, Meredith. Thank you"

"I'm the one who should say thank you. You did an amazing job" I say sweetly at her. After that I look at Yuka to signal her that I need some time with Ian. She nods and gestures to me to go to the corner of the tent.

I take Ian's hand and we go there. "Hey hey..." I whisper to him. "I'm good Ian. Really. If you're mad at me I will feel cold" I pout. I know I'm like a teenager having a fight with her boyfriend. But somehow I know it will melt him down. See!

He exhales. His hand on the way to my hair and he stops. My hair is already in a silky high ponytail. You see it's just a ponytail, but we are using so much hairspray on it to make sure it won't mess up by the wind.

His hand touches my cheek. "Promise me we will go straight to the hotel after this and you will take a hot long bath"

I smile at him "as long as you are joining me"

He chuckles and shakes his head. "When I can win the battle with you?"

I shake my head and round my hands on his waist "never" I whisper.

He kisses my forehead. "Are you ready to kiss me on the countdown?" He asks me

"You'll see" I wink at him.


Everyone loved our performance. The first song Ian was singing and playing the piano, while I sang with my mic and occasionally walked around the stage to say hi to the audience.

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