Chapter 3 - Christian

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I just finished my call with Ethan, when there is another incoming call. I look at it. Helen...

I inhale and pick up the phone "yes grandma?" I can't help it.  My voice is cold.

"Good evening, Christian... what are you doing?"

"Nothing... Do you need anything from me, grandma?"

"Yes, Chris. Did you know Ethan is in Paris?

"Yeah. I also know about Ben... how'd you hold up?" I know she is not close with Ben, but she always said that she owes Ben because he made her daughter so happy.

"Not good. I'm still shocked to be honest. But let's Ethan handle him. I want to ask you something... it's about Ben and Cam's shareholders"

"They have like 3% of The Hall Industries, that's not significant. They can't do anything to pull Ethan down"

"I know. I asked Ethan to force Ben to sell his and Cam's shares to you"

I can feel the bile in my mouth. They always showered me with materials. But all I was asking for are attention and affection. They failed to give me that.

"I don't need it grandma. You can buy it, or better ask Ethan to buy it" my voice sounds colder.

She exhales. "I know Chris, but I want to give it to you. From me..."

"I don't need it, grandma" I say curtly.

"Chris listen... I want to fix our relationship. Can we start all over again? Please, Christian. Give me a chance. Let me make it right to you... to us" her voice full of emotions.

"Good night grandma" I hang up the phone. My breath is erratic. I can see my mom's face very clearly. Her hate towards me.

It's all your fault! I've never wanted you in this world! You ruin my life!


20 years ago

"I'm... I'm sorry mom..." Christian was shaken. He was 5 years old. He didn't mean to break his mom's favorite vase. He was playing alone, running all over the house. His cousin, Ethan, was playing outside with his favorite girl. His mom didn't allow him to go out and play with them. Since some parents from their school asked his mom about his dad, his mom became so weird. She never allowed him to go anymore. She became upset easily and she always blamed him for everything he did.

Once he got an A- for his drawing, his mom was so angry. Ethan got a B for his drawing. His mom laughed and said it's okay. She was bad at drawing too. When Ethan's mom came to Christian and said his drawing was so good. His mom was mad and broke the paper.

"You stupid boy! You got his stupid gene! Your father stupid gene! You got his clumsy that's why you broke my vase. He asked you to do it right! I hate you!" His mom hit him in the face. He was crying, asking for his mom to forgive him but his mom wouldn't listen to him.

Christian's mom stopped and rubbed her hand "my hand hurts! You hurt me! It's all your fault! I've never wanted you in this world. You ruin my life!" His mom was ready to hit him but Ethan stopped her.

"Christian!" Ethan came to save him. "Stop it aunt Daisy. Don't do this!" Ethan put himself between his mom and him.

"Ethan, he broke my vase!" His mom cried now. The one who got hit was him, why'd his mom cried?

"I'm sorry mom, It was an accident" Christian peeked from Ethan's back. His mom glared at him and ready to come to him but Ethan stopped her "aunt Daisy, please. I... I'll ask dad to buy another vase for you okay? I remember he told me, next week he will go to Hungary. There must be a lot of beautiful vases there. Okay?"

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