Chapter 49 - Meredith

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We come back to my suite. I already asked Yuka to prepare the hot tub for me because I'm freezing. I didn't say to her Ian will join me.

Ian takes 2 glasses and a champagne. Put it on the side of the tub.

"You cold?" He comes to me. I'm still cleaning up my makeup.

"A bit" I smiled at him. "Help me with my hair?"

He starts to undo the hair "gosh how many bottles of hair sprays did they use for your hair?"

I laugh "I have no idea". My phone rings. "Shot! I forgot Madeline will video call us. My hair looks like lion now"

Ian laughs and gives me the rubber "tie it. I take the call" my phone is still on the coffee table. I do as Ian said. My face is free from makeup. Feels like my skin can breathe again.

I walk to the living room with my robe. There are 2 cups of super hot chocolate. Hail to Yuka!!

Ian is laughing while holding my phone on the couch. I come to sit on his side and give him the chocolate.

"Ohh look! The queen is here" Madeline says. Ethan, Andrew and Tony are already on the screen as well.

I laugh "happy new year!"

"Happy new year" they say.

"What a great show you gave us there, Mer" Tony teases.

"Yes! Swollen lips, glassy eyes, blushing face. I doubt your acting skill can do that for you" Madeline smirks wickedly.

"God Mads!" I hide on Ian's shoulder. He just chuckles all the time.

"By the way, you still have another 3 hours before new year right? Ian stirs the conversation.

"no, I'm in New York" Andrew says.

"What? You are here and you didn't tell me? Wow thanks, stranger!" I say sarcastically.

Andrew chuckles "easy Mer. I was planning to tell you. Let's meet up tomorrow for lunch! You too Christian"

"Tomorrow as in 1st January or 2nd?" I ask to confirm.

"2nd. I don't want to ruin the first day this year with the two of you lovey dovey in front of me" he says nonchalantly.

"Jeez, thanks Drew" I say. I look at Tony. "and where are you, brother?"

"yeah, you're not in your room" Mads squints her eyes to see the background.

"um... I'm not in LA" he says a little bit uncomfortable. Weird.

"Where are you? Antarctic?" Ethan jokes.

Madeline jabs him "that's the place you want to send Braden!"

Ethan laughs and kisses Madeline's head.

"Jesus E! You really want to send Braden to Antarctica?" Ian shakes his head. Braden Starck is one of Hollywood actors. He has a history with Mads, not that deep actually. It was just a teenager hormone back then. But, it looks like Mr. Hall here doesn't want any of the men that ever cross paths with Madeline in LA. He is that crazy, guys!

Ethan just shrugs, acting nonchalant. I drink my chocolate watching Madeline and Ethan. They look happier than before. You deserve the best in the world, Mads! I'm so happy for you.

"So, where are you Tony?" Mads back to Tony.

"You're not in Roderick hotel either. I thought you were my loyal customer, dude!" Andrew complains. That's true, Tony often traveled for his business and he always booked The Roderick Hotel.

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