Chapter 59 - Meredith

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Oh. My. God.

My head is so hurt! Sweet Jesus... I swear this will be the last time I'm drunk.. "Gosh!" I moan. I hear footsteps. Footstep? Must be dreaming. I'm still closing my eyes. I can't even sit down.

"Merry" huh? Ian's voice. I'm still sleeping then. I try to chuckle but my head hurts, even with the small gesture.

"Merry, drink!" someone pulls me to sit and puts a glass and... pill.. what pill? God my head is so hurt. I don't think my brain can work.

I try to open my eyes. Cannot. So I drink the water. Hopefully it can help my body.

"Eat the Advil" someone says. Who is he? My ears still haven't connected with my brain.

I eat Advil according to this guy. After that, he helps to lean on the headboard. And the footsteps walking far away from me. Weird. Is that an angel?

I try to open my eyes. Very very slowly. Ah my room is still dark. Thanks for the blackout curtain.

I look at the door. The door is ajar. Someone comes in. Ahh I'm still dreaming. Ian topless, only with his sweatpants.

"Drink the coffee" he comes and gives me a cup of coffee. Thank God for caffeine. I drink the coffee and lean back again. Trying to make my brain work.

I look at Ian, he is still looking at me. And suddenly, I guess the Advil and the caffeine start working... because I'm starting to remember about last night.

Oh. My. God.

I choke on my coffee. I cough, the coffee spilled on my bedcover. Ian is helping with the coffee. "Are you okay Merry?" He takes the cup from me. I'm still coughing and I run to the toilet. I think I run.

I splash my face and brush my teeth... yesterday's memories flooding to my brain... I was in the club, drunk, provoked Ian with Mario, seduced Ian in the town car, his room, my room and I... puked! I puked all over him! God kill me now please...

I open the bathroom door slowly. Wishing Ian isn't in my room anymore. No luck. Ian is standing on the wall. His hands in his pockets. He looks at me... no, actually he is trying to not laugh at me.

"I'm still here, Merry" he says like he knows exactly what is on my mind now.

I come out and look at him. "Why are you here?" I frown. I'm sure we're not had sex last night. I won't be wearing my hoodie if we had. And... who wants to have sex with a woman who just puked on him. Jesus! Gross...

He takes me to sit down on the couch. There is some breakfast. Bagels, croissants, coffee, orange juice, omelette, hot soup, fruits and yogurts.

"Wow... who is joining us for breakfast?"

He shrugs. And suddenly it reminds me of the woman's voice.

"I'm not going to have breakfast with you and your woman" I say and cross my arms.

Ian exhales "Merry there is no other woman"

I snort. He thought I'm stupid or what. I drink my coffee. "Thank you for ordering the breakfast. Now, I'll appreciate it if you leave me alone. I want to eat my breakfast"

"Merry I love you... how come—"

"Oh shut up Christian" I say. I put my coffee on the table. "You said that after you were gone for a few days. And after I heard a woman asking you where you would like to take her. So funny. Flash news I'm not stupid. So save your words; for your bimbo. Not me. Now go! Please!" I dismiss him. If I have more energy I would stand up and push him out of my door.

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