Chapter 45 - Meredith

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Message from author: if you haven't read my other book Trust in You, you will find some spoiler of that book in here. So if you don't like any spoiler, then you can skip until after the second ***

Ian and I were on the tarmac when our phone rang.

Jack: Madeline is in the hospital, she was attacked by Thomas Hudson.

"Oh my God!" I look at Ian, his face grim.

"I can't go Ian"

"I know. Let's go to the hospital" she takes my hand and we go back to the airport building. Ian is busy with his phone telling the pilot to wait and the driver to come back to pick us up.

I'm calling Andrew and Tony to let them know what happened with Madeline.

Ian and I are sitting in his Porsche Cayenne with his driver. Ian is caressing my arms all the way to the hospital "hey, it's okay. We don't know yet what happened to9 her. I'm sure the doctor will do their best"

I nod "I swear to God I'm going to kill Thomas! Damn him!" Thomas is Madeline's ex boyfriend. Apparently once is not enough for this scumbag hurting Madeline.

We arrived in the hospital and ran to the emergency. Ethan is there alone pacing in front of the door.

"Ethan where is Mads?"

He gestures at the room "the doctor is still checking on her"

"You okay, E?" Ian looks at Ethan's arm.

"I'm fine..." Ethan answers but his focus on the door.

"Thomas hits Mads?"

"No. I don't think so. The only time Madeline got hit was when I pushed Hudson and he accidentally bumped to Madeline. She falls to the ground. But I don't know why there was so much blood. There.." suddenly Ethan hyperventilating.

"Breath, E! Breath!" Ian pulls him to sit down "calm down... we don't know what's happened yet. Let's wait for the doctor. Okay. Maybe she cuts herself when Hudson bumped to her"

My eyes lock with Ian. Ethan needs some time with Ian.

"I'm going to take some water for you Ethan" I say.

I go to the dispenser and fill the water for Ethan. I texted Yuka and Bea to let them know I will arrive late in NY. Good thing we are flying with Ian's jet.

I walk back to Ian and Ethan. Ian is looking closely at a picture. I take a peek "that's Madeline right?" I saw some of Mads childhood photos.

Ian looks at me "you know this boy, Merry?" he points at the boy. Of course I know. "yes I know him. He is Madeline's first crush. She said she always believed in him and his silly games, even though sometimes the games went wrong." I say while giving Ethan his water. "But after he left Julian Town, she never saw him anymore. why..." suddenly I realized the boy in the picture. I look at Ethan. He is grinning at me. "oh my god!" It's Ethan!


Tony and Andrew came and asked about Mads. The doctor came out and told us about Mads condition. It was unexpected but all is well.

We go to Madeline's private room. Ethan paid for a private wing for her. "I don't want her to wake up and say we don't care for her" Tony jokes. All of us laugh. It's already almost 12. But Ethan looks so happy now. His girlfriend is fine, and they have other happy big things coming to their way.

I look at Madeline. She is still sleeping on the hospital bed. She looks tired, there are black circles around her eyes but other than that she looks okay. I smile at her. I'm glad you found your happy ending, Madeline.

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