Chapter 61 - Meredith

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Ian is getting crazy. After he told the public that he loves, now he keeps pouring me with everything. He sent flowers every morning to my room with a card 'I love you'. When I asked him why he did that. He said "I just want to remind you every morning that I love you"

On the set he kept coming to me whenever we had a break, ruffled my hair, caressed my face, he even blatantly told everyone who asked him about me that he is pursuing me.

The social media is the worst. Ian posted my picture. I didn't know he took that picture. It was taken in Helen's house. When I was helping Helen with the cookies. I was wearing the apron, looked so serious with my dough, there was even flour on my face. The caption is the woman who has my heart in her hand and she doesn't even believe it. Of course his fans started to tag me in the comment. Some of them gave me love advice, some of them blatantly told me to marry him.

Ian even used his family to help him... Madeline (wait, is she his family? I thought she was my best friend/sister). Madeline called me almost every day. According to her she tried to talk some sense to me.

"I'm afraid Mads!"

"Afraid of what?" My girlfriend was getting desperate with me

"I don't know..." I whispered.

"Mer look. Christian never did this to any other woman before in his life. You should know by now that he meant it. You told me yourself that he even tried to hold on all of his control when you were drunk."

That was amazing actually. I know he was so turned on that night. I could feel the bulge on his pants. He clung to every control he had to not touch me that night.

"By the way, I was planning to do that to Ethan. Seduce him and everything" she giggled.

"What? Are you out of your mind? You are—" I was ready to launch a gun machine grumble granny to her but she cut me.

"Ssshh! I know! I didn't. I said I was planning but I didn't do that. Calm down grandma!"

I chuckled. "Not too long ago you never talked about sex with me. And now..."

She laughed "crazy right?"

I shook my head. "By the way, why do you even think you could be drunk? You're not even know what a tipsy feels like" Madeline has a crazy gene for alcohol. No one ever wins the battle with her. She doesn't know how it feels to be drunk. She can drink all the alcohol she wants and still sober enough to drive a car.

"By the way.. why did we change the topic? Back to Christian!" She said. I could feel she pouted her mouth now.

"Give me some time, Mads. I need to deal with my heart and brain first before I can answer him"

She exhaled "okay..." she said softly. "He is far from Jase, Mer. Trust me. I will kill him by myself if Christian hurts you."

"And Jack is the one who handed you the gun?" I teased her.

She laughed "yes! And he is also the one who makes my alibi. So we are safe!"

I laughed "you are crazy Madeline Hall!"


We will fly to Monaco tomorrow and film there. I just finished my scene early today. Ian is still on the set with Hitchcock because they are still filming some other scene.

My phone rings. Rainey! It's been sometimes since the last time we contacted.

"Hi girl!" I say cheerily.

"Hi Mer! Guess where am I!"

My eyes widened "you are in Paris! Come on! Let's have dinner? Or a snack?" I'm so excited. It's not everyday your friend could come in the middle of shooting like this.

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