Chapter 65 - Christian

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I walk with Merry on the second floor. I still remember when she broke up with me, she also said my house is one of the reasons that she was sure I'm not really love her. The next day when I came back to LA I called my interior designer to design the house all over again so it will feel cozy and homey. Family house.

Nothing has changed from the first floor. The living room and pantry and dining table are perfect for the family. But he changed the games room on the first floor to a bedroom. I was planning to ask Helen to sleep here sometimes. The decorator told me it's better to have a bedroom on the first floor for the parents or grandparents. And now we can use it for dad. Perfect!

The second rooms had a lot of changes. Start with all the crazy games room and everything. Now we have 2 other bedrooms. And we still have the music room since Merry and I both love music. Yes, I told the decorator to make a house that fits Merry and I. I even asked him to sign the NDA so he doesn't tell all of this to the press and everyone.

I moved my gym room near the swimming pool. We made an additional room there. It's all glasses so we can see the beach from there. I still have the Jacuzzi (of course, since I want to have another chapter of Merry and I make love in that jacuzzi.

Merry looks at all the room in silence. But I can see her eyes glassy. "Hey, say something" I say. She looks at me and smiles. I open the last door on our 2nd floor. It's an empty room, the closest one to the master bedroom.

She looks at me "what is this?"

I look deeply into her brown eyes. I take her hand to the room. I draw an imaginary rectangular "we will put the crib here. What do you think?" And I walk to the side "the changing table here?" I walk to another corner "the sofa for you to breastfeed our baby here? I think the baby will love it if daddy and mommy are the ones who decorate the room?"

I look at her, her eyes glassy and she runs to me and hugs me tightly. I smile "what do you think?" I whisper in her ear. She nods frantically.

I will propose to her right away but I don't know what her limit is. She was so shocked when I asked her to move in with me. I don't want her to freak out and run away from me.

One step at a time, Christian Hall... one step at a time...

I hear Merry's sob. I pull back. Her face is wet with the tears. "Hey, what's wrong?"

She shakes her head. "Happy tears... I just feel overwhelmed with all of this. You changed the house because of me" her voice is still shaky. I kiss her. "Because I love you Merry" I whisper to her.

Her smile is so bright. I feel my heart full. She cups my cheeks. "I know, and I love you to Ian... so much" she whispers back and kisses me. We lost in our kiss.

The bell rings. Again and again. I pull back "shit" I say. Merry still breathless she looks down and gasps. I follow her.

Merry's dress is a mess. My hands find their way to her skin body. One from the top, one from the bottom. I look at myself, oh well, she is not better than me, my shorts are already at my ankle, her hand is inside my boxer and the other is clutching my shirt.

"Oh God" she says and she frantically try to pull back her dress in place. Not bad, except her face is still flush.

She pulls up my shorts back to the place since the doctor doesn't allow me to bend down too much. The bell is still ringing. "I go now" she runs. Leave me there. I chuckle to myself. And suddenly I can feel the sting from the scar. Damn! She not only makes me happy, she is also my pain killer.

I look at the room and grin. Our baby... if it's a girl she should have her mom image. And I will be a super protective dad. If he is a boy... he will look like Merry too with a masculine look and I will teach him how to protect his mom and later his sister or brother. I grin at myself imagining our future. Our.. Merry and I and our kids.

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