Chapter 18 - Meredith

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5 years ago

Meredith was packing her stuff. She rented a new apartment for her and Mads. It was time to move out from this toxic house. She didn't want to see Jase anymore. Not after he cheated on her.

"Mer... don't go!" Jase came to her near the front door.

"No Jase. I can't live here after I know what you did to me" Meredith still continued to put her stuff into her car

"I didn't do anything. It was a mistake" Jase catched up with her.

Meredith stopped and looked at Jase. "Jase please! I don't know what you think, but I guess it's cleared that night wasn't the first time you slept with Nikita. And flash news Jase! Nikita came clear to me and told me that she is not the only woman you slept with. You even slept with Bianca because she wanted to join the Vibes House" Meredith shook her head. Bianca was a small influencer who wanted to join Vibes House, she kept coming to the house to have some content with them, but Jase never agreed to let her join. Based on Nikita, Bianca was desperate to join them so she tried another way, which was to seduce the Jase to make him agreed. Because he is the leader of Vibes.

"It was a one night stand Mer. It means nothing. Really. It's just physical"

Tony came out from the house "Jase! What are you doing!" He came closer to both of them.

"It's not your business Tony. Go away!" Jase glared at him.

"Why? Because I told Meredith about your infidelity?" Tony fired back.

"I told you. That was a one night stand! For god sake!" Jase said desperately.

"Maybe you should check your dictionary what is the meaning of one night stand, Jase" Meredith closed her car's door. She finished with her packing and ready to move.

"No Mer. I mean. It's just physical. I don't love Nikita nor Bianca. It's physical. I know you don't understand this. But trust me I love you, Mer. Only you"

Meredith looked at Jase in disbelief "I was stupid for even thought that you really loved me Jase, but I'm not stupid enough to know your bullshit. Go away Jase. We're done!" Meredith turned to Tony "let me know when you will move out. Mads and I will help you to unpack at your new apartment, Tony" she smiled and hugged Tony.

"Be safe sis" Tony squeezed her. Jase was trying to come to Meredith but Tony pushed him "enough Jase!"

"Are you happy now, Tony? I told you it was a one night stand. You are the king of one night stand. You should know!"

"I was but not anymore. Not after I have Amy"

"She's not your girlfriend anymore Tony. She dumped you! Maybe she also found out you cheated on her with a string of one night stand" Jase mocked. Tony exhaled. "I'm tired talking with a dumbass like you, Jase"

Meredith exhaled too from her car. Jase was too much. She pulled the brake and left.

It was a one night stand Mer. It means nothing. Really. It's just physical.

A one night stand means nothing to you, but it means everything to me...



Yuka keeps looking at me from her seat. I look at her and raise my eyebrow.

"Why do you wear something so covered from head to toe. It's not that cold, Mer"

I clear my throat "nothing. Just feel a bit unwell" can I say Ian gave a lot of hickey on my whole body that makes me feel uncomfortable to reveal my skin now? I even put a concealer on them, to make sure it's covered. Because I will try bikinis and beach dresses later.

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