Chapter 28 - Christian

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I want to show the world that you are mine, Merry..

But I don't want to spoil our time. I don't want to fight with her and see her cry.

"Okay" I say softly. She smiles at me and kisses me "Ian... I believe in you" she says softly.

She knows how to win the battle. I don't think I will ever win from her. "I know Merry, I know..."

My phone rings. The ring tone indicates that it is either Mya, Larry or the one from the management. I look at it. Mya...

"It's Mya" I tell Merry and pick up the phone "hello Mya"

"Hi Christian.. what a morning post you have this morning" from her tone I know she doesn't mind. She loves when her clients can give a boost to her money pond.

"Umm... not gonna comment on it" I chuckle.

"By the way, I have a job for you and your pretty woman beside you. They asked the two of you to perform for the new year eve in New York Times Square"

I look at Merry, I know she can hear Mya's voice. She checks on her phone and shows me the email from Bea about the event as well.

"When will we perform? I mean the time..."

"Countdown. 2 songs before countdown until countdown. The sponsors specifically said that they want you and Meredith to have the countdown kiss in the middle of Times Square"

My eyes lock with Meredith. "Deal"


We're going to shoot the final footage of the MV in LA. The Christmas decoration here is epic. Merry is still in the van doing her hair.

Since Thanksgiving night, our life has become entangled in many ways. More works for us as a couple that we happily indulge. Since I like to be seen with Merry and she doesn't mind being touchy with me as long as she has 'work' as the excuse.

If I didn't know Merry better I would think she doesn't want us to open to the public because she is ashamed to be seen with me. But no... I can see her brown eyes happy when she is seen with me. Maybe she is really scared that our relationship will affect what people see in her. After all I'm longer in showbiz. She shouldn't worry. She is fucking good at her job. At every single one. Everyone praises her not just because of her beauty and great work but also her attitude. She is so lovely and humble to everyone arounds her. And the more I saw her, the more I lost in her.

"Ian! I'm done" she giggles and comes to me. I look at her. Unbound curly blonde hair, with a red beanie hat, and red wool scarf. Off white wool sweater with black shorts and black knee boots. She looks so pretty and free. This woman really can make everything in her look perfect.

She comes in front of me and looks up. "Do I look pretty?" She teases me.

"You look perfect" I whisper and touch her cheek. I know she doesn't want to tell the fans that we are in a relationship but I can't help to not touch her.

She giggles "thank you. You too, Ian. You look so handsome like a Hollywood star. You know the cocky Hollywood star named Christian Hall?" she jokes. I'm wearing khakis trousers and off white cashmere v neck long sleeves.

"Yeah I know him. He is the most handsome man in the world right?"

Merry laughs. I can feel people keep taking a picture and video of us. We are in a public place after all.

Larry comes to us. With 2 cups of hot coffee. "This one for you , Mer and this one for you too, Mer" he gives both cups to Merry.

"Excuse me?" I ask Larry and Merry giggles and drinks her coffee. Can I record her giggles and use it as my ringtone?

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