Chapter 22 - Meredith

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God, Daisy Hall is a bitch. How could she did that to Ian?! I hate her for this!

Ian looks at me. He looks... surprise maybe?

"I... I'm sorry Ian.. I know she is your mom and everything... but... It's better for me to not say anything. I don't have any polite words to say about your mom. After what she did to you, she said she is proud of you. What the hell! After all the fu..." I drink my margarita in a big gulp. "Never mind" better for me to shut my mouth.

Ian chuckles. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"Nothing" he laughs and takes my glass, pour the margarita and drinks it. "So yeah.. after the premiere we were back to the stranger. Sometimes she came to my others' premieres and as usual. Said the same things in front of the camera"

I shake my head in disbelief.

Ian looks at me and bites his bottom lip. "Merry... Remember I told you women not woman in my life"

I nod. "Was it Helen?"

He shakes his head "no... my relationship with her is not like Ethan with her. But no... I know she loved her daughter. All she did was just for her daughter. But no... she isn't the one that make me feels like women just used me"

"Your ex?" I whisper.

Ian looks at me deeply and nods. Something ugly filled my stomach. "Do I know this woman? Is she in showbiz now?"

He shakes his head. "No... back then she was a newbie in modeling. We met at a club, got to know each other and dated. We were dating for almost a year. I was so busy with my movies and recording. I thought she was fine. She was always supportive of my career and proud of me. She always praised me. I was so gullible back then" he leans to the back and looks at the roof.

"I thought she loved me for who I am. My hard work and everything. But no... one day I came back from the shooting. I wanted to surprise her. So I went to her place. I heard she was talking with someone. Later, I found out she was pregnant with that guy's baby and turned out that guy was her boyfriend for 5 years. She was with me just because she wanted my connection, my name, my fame, my money"

"Bitch" I say under my breath. Ian chuckles.

"We broke up. Later she told the media that she was pregnant with my baby. I dared her to do a DNA test. She didn't want to. But Ethan set a bunch of lawyers to sue her if she's not doing the DNA test. So, she did it and as expected. It's not mine. I haven't had sex with her for more than 4 months. There is no way the baby is mine"

I heard a bit about that back then. But I tuned it out because I was so angry with Ian. And suddenly I realized something... "Ian... when... When did this happen?" I look at him and from his look I already know the answer.

"I broke up with her a day before your audition"

I close my eyes. I can't even blame him after I heard this. God.. he experienced 2 crazy bitches in her life. It cuts him deeply. Now I know why he'd always choose a physical relationship.

"Merry..." he whispers. I open my eyes. He is right in front of me. "I'm sorry. For whatever reason it was my fault. I shouldn't have said harsh words to you like that..."

I shake my head "I'm sorry Ian for all the bad memories in your life..." What if we met before he made the decision about women? Will he believe in me?

Ian caresses my cheek.

"I will never use you just for fame, Ian. From the very beginning... 5 years ago, I wanted to have a project with you because you are a genius. I wanted to learn from you. I wanted you to be my mentor, guide me, lead me. So I could be a great singer. But never once in my mind I want to use you just for fame. Not back then, not now. Not every woman is like the ones in your past. If you can open your heart... there will be a lot of great women who love you for who you are" I touch his heart. I can feel his heartbeat. It's a little bit too fast. I don't know what is on his mind. I look at him.

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