Chapter 64 - Meredith

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We go to the private wing that Ethan booked for Ian and Mr. Stokes. The surgery will take up to 12 hours. God, I have to wait that long. I hope my heart can handle it. I'm so nervous. I know Ian is in his best condition but still there is possibility to fail in the surgery... don't think about it don't ever think about it Merry!

Lexi told me the story about James. Carol and James came to visit Lexi. They just finished eating their lunch, Carol was washing the plates while Lexi was doing her paperwork. Her dad was in the room. He said he wanted to eat his medicine. Suddenly he groaned and the next thing happened was James already on the floor.

The ambulance came and took him to the hospital. The doctor looked at James' health record and checked on him. He told Lexi and Carol that they need to do the transplant asap. The condition was getting worse and everything. Carol was faint when she heard the news. Lexi was so panicked and called Ian without calculating the time in Paris. Ian heard the news and came back to LA.

My morning exercise to the hospital was in the headlines. I told Bea the truth but I asked her to handle it without telling the press about Ian's condition. Because this is also something related to his father and the Hall family. It's not something that you can easily tell the press. So Bea cleared it up with 'Meredith has family emergency.' That wasn't the best excuse but that was enough. At least for now...


After 10 hours or so, the doctor came out and told us that the surgery went well. Lexi and Carol are in James' room, while I'm in Ian's room. Ethan is taking Madeline and Helen to the house to take some rest. They will come back tomorrow morning.

Ian is still sleeping in his bed. I sit next to the hospital bed and hold his hand. I kiss his hand. I sleep next to him with a big smile. My legs feel so hurt but my heart feels so happy.

I don't know how long I sleep. I wake up with a pain in my back. Ughh... Sleeping in a sitting position is not good for your back. I'm stretching and I look at Ian. He is looking at me with a smile... wait, what?

"Ian..." I come closer to him. He smiles happily. "Hi sleeping beauty" he says hoarsely. I remember the doctor asked me to put some water on his lips. I do it as fast as I can "drink a bit" I say softly to him. Ian has a permanent smile on his lips. I can't help it. I giggle.

I put the glass to the desk, Ian grabs my wrist and pull me to him. "Sit next to me" this time his voice is better. I sit next to him. "You good?" I ask him and he nods. "Just a little bit dizzy" he says.

"It's normal. The doctor told that to us. Let me know if you feel anything else okay"

"Yes mam" he grins.

"Silly" I say to him but I can't help the grin on my face. We look at each other, grinning like a fool.

"Say that again" he says. I know what he means but I just want to tease him "silly"

He chuckles a bit "you know what I mean" he says.

I lean closer and whisper to his ear "I love you Ian"

He hugs me tightly "God, I love you so much Merry" and we stay like that until Ian falls asleep again. The doctor said he will be drowsy at least until tomorrow.

The next morning, I wake up and look at Ian, he is still sleeping this time. I was sleeping with Ian in this hospital bed (he forced me). Unbelievable. Small bed and hard, yet this was the best sleep of my life.

I extricate myself slowly from him. I check my phone. Nothing's important. Some of them just asked for an update for Ian's condition. So I texted them back. Last night after Ian was sleeping, I went to James' room. He was sleeping when I came, but Carol told me he was awake not too long ago. Like father, like son.

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