Chapter 41 - Christian

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Merry and I on the way to Julian Town. We just came back to the apartment for Merry to change her clothes.

My phone pings. "Check it" I ask Merry. She looks at it. "Your sister" she says and grins.

Lexi and I have been texting almost everyday. Mostly I text her first. But last week I called her and complained why she'd never text me first. And as expected she was afraid to disturb me. And she was nervous because she never had a sibling before. So I give her the new rules that at least we have to text once a day. Call me a possessive brother. One day whoever is trying to pursue my sister has to go through my filter first.

Merry giggles. "Your dad was playing a santa?"

I chuckle. My dad and his family have a great environment in Portland. All of them are very nice and on Christmas they have a small party, and Lexi told me dad always played Santa. So I asked her for the picture.

"Ah, they are going to LA in February. Lexi will be back first. Your dad and Carol will visit in the mid Feb"

"Great. Can you put it on my calendar 2 days before their flight so I can ask the pilot to fly to Portland?"

"Um... Lexi sent the picture of the tickets actually"

"What? I told her they will fly with my jet!" I complain.

Merry giggles. "Now you know not everyone is into your money right, Christian Hall?"

I chuckle and look at her. "I know it from you" I caress her cheek.

She blushes. "Eyes on the road!"

I chuckle and look back to the road "by the way you haven't told me what did you buy for Lexi for Christmas"

"Ah... I gave her Chanel perfume. I'm the BA for that perfume and she told she loves it too"

"She's been in love with you since forever. She will say yes to everything you use and wear" that's true. My little sister is Merry's big fan. Most of the time she will ask about her instead of her own brother.

Merry giggles "as from you. I bought her the iPad. I heard she told Carol that she wants to buy a new iPad for her class."

I smile. Somehow it warms me up the way Merry bought presents for my family. It's not based on the price but based on the person. She knows what they want, no matter if it's expensive or cheap. As long as they like it and need it. Like Carol coffee maker. Merry gave her the traditional one, she doesn't buy the most modern and expensive one. Because Merry paid attention to what Carol wants.

And she was too busy to buy something with our name for my family, and she forgot to buy the presents for me. God, this woman is so perfect.

"Thank you Merry" I squeeze her knee and she smiles sweetly at me.

We stand in front of my childhood home. I inhale deeply. Merry squeezes my hand and smiles at me encouragingly. "Hey. I'm here for you" she tiptoes kissing me. Weirdly, her kiss calmed my nerves in an instant.

I open the door and hand in hand walk with Merry to the house.

Helen is in the kitchen. She startled when she looked at me "sweet Jesus! Christian!" She comes to hug me tightly. What a record. 2 times this year I visited Helen.

"Meredith" she comes to Merry and hugs her too.

"Hi Helen, how are you?" Merry smiles sweetly.

"I'm good. Great now you two are here" Helen smiles happily. "Madeline is at David's graveyard. She will be here in a few mins"

"Madeline is here?" Merry asks.

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