Chapter 10 - Meredith

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I was waiting for Madeline in the cafe at rodeo street. A red Lamborghini stops in front of the cafe. Wow! What a sexy car! I look at the driver, I almost choke on my ice coffee. Madeline Elizabeth Parker!

Everyone is lusting on the car right now. She strolls into the cafe. Her face looked pissed. Maybe she killed Ethan Hall for lying to her.

She comes to me and hugs me. She looked so pretty in that dress. I bought it for her when I was in Milan from a local store. I bought the red orange black abstract for her, and the blue gold white abstract for me. Maybe because both of us don't have sisters, we are longing for dressed like twins. So, here we are wearing the same backless dress with different colors.

"Did you kill Ethan?" I tease her.

She exhales "he didn't even say sorry"

I laugh, Ethan Hall is a newbie in the relationship. He doesn't know how to soothe his girlfriend's feelings. But everyone can see he loves Madeline so much. Like his life depends on it.

Madeline puts an Amex card on the table "and he gave me this"

I raise an eyebrow "he wants you to spend his money?"

"Yes! See, Ethan stupid Hall" she says, disbelief.

"And he also gave you the Lamborghini?" I ask her and Madeline shakes her head shyly "no. I was so mad so I told him I want to drive his favorite car. And he was shocked but he still gave me anyway" she laughs and I can't help but laugh too. They are really a cute couple.

"Christian tried to explain to me, but really it's not about your history with him. It's about Ethan didn't telling me that he orchestrated this. While I'm the one who asked him to join us"

"Actually I'm fine, Mads... I mean in the end I signed the contract. Ethan was right to set Ian and I to meet face to face"

"I know. I just want him to say sorry and all he did is flaunt his money on me"

I laugh, no one will piss if their boyfriend gives them money, except Madeline.

"By the way, why do you call Christian Ian?" She steals my ice coffee.

"Um... he keeps calling me Merry, so I just do the same as him" I shrug. Mads gives me a look. Because I don't know how to respond. I stand up and take the Amex. "C'mon we have an Amex to use" and she follows me with a laugh. "Yes, I'm going to buy everything I like!"


Despite her words earlier, Madeline actually doesn't want to buy anything using Ethan's card. She tried on a lot of dresses. Everything fits her perfectly. Her body is perfect, back 5 years ago her body was favorite. Every woman loves it. She has good T and A. Until now actually. We are actually the same size. But because of the concert tour last month I lost almost a size. I really need to gain my weight or I will look like a sick woman.

I force Madeline to buy the stuff, later she can refund everything. Just to let Ethan's phone keep ringing with the notifications. It was so fun to see Madeline look scandalized with the price. She should know by now that her boyfriend is one of the richest people in the world.

We go back to my apartment. Madeline keeps checking on her phone during the shopping and now. Ethan keeps texting her, but he has no clue all Madeline asked is one word 'sorry'. As expected, Mads called Jack to pick up the Lamborghini. She doesn't really want to drive the car. She just did that because she is pissed with Ethan.

We were enjoying a bottle of wine when my door's ring. I open the door and see Ian. "Ian?" I'm surprised he came here. I told her I'm with Mads tonight.

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