Chapter 25 - Christian

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We're just finished the interview. Everything went well except the one when the host asked us about our relationship. Merry answered first before I can open my mouth.

"We are friends. I think I want to keep him as my best friend. He is grown too dear for me. And I'm glad I can have this project with him."

Even though she delivered it with a smile and said that we are best friends. But somehow the way she said it. It's like we are over... Why? I thought she knew she meant so much more for me. I wouldn't tell my friends about my secret. And how can someone share herself with me like that and say we are just friends?

I thought she was avoiding me again like before, but no. I know she was busy with the film with her ex. They need to promote the film as well. And I know how busy that could be. But I hate it she didn't spare some time for me, while she had dinner with Anthony Lockwood.

The host asked her about Anthony as well. "Is it because the sexy billionaire Anthony Lockwood is in the scene? So you couldn't see Christian more than a friend?"

"What? No!" Merry laughed. "God no! Anthony is my best friend. I guarantee you nothing happened between us" Merry kept laughing, while I kept thinking what is so funny about Anthony Lockwood? And for the record, this isn't the first time they were linked together.

Who is he? Is he one of her exes as well? Should have asked her when we played truth or dare.

Now I drive to my apartment alone. I offered to drive Merry home, but she said she has other things to do with Yuka, her PA. God I'm so messed up. After we came back from the island all I could think of was Merry. I was surprised to find Tania in the lobby and Merry is nowhere to be seen. Tania is a good friend. We were working together on my last movie. She was my on screen partner. I slept with her during the filming, she asked for more but I cut her clearly. Told her it's just physical and she said she got it. Afterwards, we never contact each other. That's why I was surprised to find her in my apartment. She asked Mya where I'm living right now. Mya is also Tania's manager.Tania asked me to accompany her to Santa Barbara to celebrate her sister's birthday. She told me her sis is my big fan. I agreed because I thought I could take Merry there, and we can have some fun in Santa Barbara. Turned out Merry was so busy. I was trying to cancel Tania but she said her sister knew I would come. I couldn't crush the little girl's heart, and I was free. I can't be that selfish. So I went to Santa Barbara with Tania. She initiated to have a night with her but I refused. I couldn't sleep with anyone else when my brain kept thinking about Merry. Meanwhile, Tania's question keeps ringing in my head.

"Why Christian? I thought it's only physical for you. It was always physical for you before."

I wanted to say yes. But I can't. Because I think It's not only physical with Merry.


Will she call the security if she found me here? I'm standing in front of Merry's apartment door. Waiting for her to come home. I tried to contact her earlier but my phone call went to her voice mail. So I called Yuka and she said Merry's phone died. She forgot to charge it last night.Toxic comes to my mind. She also forgot to charge her phone when we were on the island. Because we were too busy fucking. And yesterday... She was with Anthony Lockwood.

I try to control my breath. The image Merry moans under Anthony comes to my brain. "Fuck!" I groan.

"Ian, you okay? Merry comes to me. I didn't realize she arrived."Yeah I'm good" I try to play it cool.

"But you groaned. Are you in pain?" She looks concerned. "Why are you here? You need some medicine? Oh my God! Wait!" She is panicked. She throws her paperbag. I peek inside. She went shopping (definitely she didn't go with Anthony Lockwood. The billionaire has work to do, like Ethan). She unlocks her door "come in!" she says and she runs inside. Is she dying for a pee? I take her paperbag to her apartment. Heavy (this woman really loves shopping.) I smile to myself. An image of me playing a jury while Merry trying some outfits comes to my mind. I like that!

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