Chapter 2 - Meredith

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Finally... I'm back, LA! I walk through the tarmac with my sunglasses on. Thanks for the concert tour promoter. They gave me the facility including a private jet. So I don't have to land in LAX and smile at everyone. It's not that I hate my fans. I really love them (I didn't lie when I said 'I love you' to my fans). Without them I'm nothing. But sometimes I just want some time for myself. Like today, I'm too tired to smile. I just want to go back to my home and enjoy my time.

My black Mercedes is waiting for me. I walk with Yuka, my private assistant, to the car. JR the driver slash bodyguard is waiting for me there. He didn't go with me through my tour because the promoter provided the bodyguards for me. So I freed him and he could go back to His hometown in Africa.

"Hi JR" I smile at him.

"Welcome back Mer" he says while closing the door for me.

I lean back and close my eyes. My phone rings.

"It's Mads" Yuka says, giving me the phone.

I check on my phone. Apparently, my best friend, Madeline Parker, is on a business trip with his hot boss. Boss who took care of her 26 year's virginity. I chuckle while texting her. At least this one better than her ex. I need to check on him. I know Ethan Hall is a young billionaire who owns Hall Industries and... Christian Hall's cousin. For all we know, maybe he is as jerk as his cousin, Christian. For sure their face and body look alike, with the dark look and tall, broad shoulders.

"JR, can you help me to look up on Ethan Hall? The CEO of Hall Industries"

"Sure" he says curtly. He is good at this. Not the best but at least I can get the outline of Ethan Hall. I just want to make sure he is safe enough for Mads.

"Are you planning to date Hall?" Yuka grinning at me.

"In your dream, Yuka" I'm not going to date Ethan Hall, he is Madeline's. And I will never date Christian Hall for sure.


I opened my apartment. Finally...

"Welcome home" Yuka says cheerly and I laugh because she also went with me for the tour. But this is just her habit. Old habits die hard.

"You can have a day off. I'm just going to chill at here for a day or two"

"Okay, Mer. Call me if you need anything"


After Yuka closes the door, here I am.. in my own apartment alone. I sit on my couch and inhale deeply. My phone rings.

I look at it. Matthew Rhodes, my ex. Matthew and I met on the screen. He was my on screen partner for a franchise movie. The trilogy. I was dating him for a year during the movie. After we finished the project, we were too busy with our own schedule so we ended our relationship on good terms.

I confessed to him that maybe we were together because of our chemistry during the film. He agreed with that. So yeah, just now the friendship still works for us. At least we are honest to each other.

"Hi Matt!"

"Mer! Congrats on your tour! It was a big success"

I smile, I really love it when people praise my hard work. "Thanks Matt! I'm proud of myself too"

"You should! Hey, listen... let's have lunch. My treat!"

I chuckle "what is it? What do you want for me?" We both know that we cannot have some normal lunch. 2 Hollywood superstars with history having lunch together, I almost can see the headlines for tomorrow.

"Gosh! You got me" he laughs

"You're not that slick, Matt"

"Here, I have a project. It's a movie for thanksgiving for the Hall. The main actress they chose was unavailable because she is suddenly pregnant. We're going to film this and Finland. Her husband doesn't want her to travel"

"So I'm your second choice. You hurt me, Matt" I tease and he chuckles.

"That's why I want to treat you to lunch!" We both laugh "help me please, I know I can count on your acting skill in this emergency, even though the production will be over budget if we hired you. But you can give me some discount right? I'm the executive director here" he says.

"Lunch for discount. Got it" I tease him. 

He groans "Mer, please"

I laugh "So it's just a small project? How long will the shoot take?"

"Around 3-4 weeks, but for us maybe 3 weeks, since we're excellent as a couple" he jokes and I laugh. He is right, 3 years being an on screen couple. Everyone was thinking that we will get married. But no, the chemistry was only on the screen.

"Email me the details, I'll check my calendar with Bea. As far as I remember I'm available"

"Perfect goddess! Send you in 5! Thanks" he says cheerly.

"What about my lunch?"

"I'll treat you if you sign the contract"

I laugh and we end the phone.


I was enjoying my bathtub with a glass of champagne when Bea White, my manager, called me. "Hello honey! Congrats on your tour concert. It was a huge success"

I laugh "cheers for us, Bea" I drink my champagne.

"Cheers! By the way, I got another call from Christian Hall. He asked to meet you face to face—"

"No Bea..." just like that my mood sour. I straighten my sit. "You out of all people knows what he did to me"

She exhales. "I know Mer, but it's in the past. I look at the project. It's perfect if you can nail it, which is I'm sure you can. This will be great for your career. You told me you want to stop from acting and focus on singing. And what Christian has is big and unique. He is a genius, honey"

"I know Bea. I know very well he is a genius. 6 years ago I already know about it"

"Okay" she says, defeated. "Just... just let me know if you changed your mind"

I doubt but I'm not going to say that to Bea. "Okay Be..."

"Enjoy your free time, Mer. Next week I have a photoshoot for you for the latest Chanel perfume"

"Noted. Ah, Be... I got a phone from Matt"

"Matt? Matthew Rhodes?"

So, I tell Bea about the project. Apparently, Hall production already contacted her this morning. She agreed for me to sign the project. She said she will let me know when I have to go to sign the contract. We end the phone call and I continue my relaxation time.

I checked my email, Steven Hitchcock sent me the latest update for our new project. We will be filming Princess Grace Kelly's autobiography. He chose me as Grace Kelly. I'm so honored. And this could be my last big movie project. But I haven't told anyone, including Bea and Yuka. Not that I will stop acting. I just want to share my focus with other things. Maybe start a new business that is not showbiz.

I just feel enough with the acting. I want something more pure. You need to do the gimmick, build the chemistry with your on screen partner. It's great but I just... it's just enough for me. Somehow I'm tired of the acting. It reminds me of my parents' marriage. It's all lies.. they married because of my mom pregnant with me. They stayed married because that was what their parents expected from them. Now they are divorced and... I don't know what happened in their live. The last time dad called me was when the divorce is final. He called me to say his goodbye. You can end up your relationship with your friends or lover. But how can you end up that with your own daughter? Mom not better than dad. Last time I heard from her when she told me she has a new boyfriend. After that... I don't know where is she now. How can my parents live in acting for 15 years? I exhale.

You are just a result of too much scotch.. I still can taste the bitter in my mouth when dad told me that. I laugh despite the ache in my heart "too many scotch doesn't make mom pregnant, dad. She forgot to eat her pill that was the reason I'm in this world"

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