Chapter 56 - Meredith

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I'm pacing in my apartment. I commanded myself to chill but I can't. Is Ian okay? I hope Ben didn't do something that will crush him. I knocked on his door at 10 and 11. But he wasn't there. I look at my watch. It's in the middle of the night. I should sleep now. But I can't.

Finally, I give up. I call Ian. He picks up after the fourth ring.

"Merry" God I miss his voice.

"Ian... where are you?"

"What happened? Do you need any help?"

"No. I'm just... um... you okay? I mean after—" before I can utter another word, there is a woman's voice.

"Where are you planning to take me Christian?" The woman says.

I freeze. All I can hear is the blood roar in my ears. I end the phone and turn off my phone.

God, I'm so stupid.


I almost late today. I couldn't sleep last night until... I don't know.. 4 am maybe?

Thank God for the make up artist. They managed to cover all my blemish and dark circles under my eyes. Ian is nowhere to be seen, which is good.

Today is our last day filming in LA. Tomorrow we will fly to Paris and start the filming on the next day.

I finished all my scenes. It's only 3pm and I need my rest. So here I am in my car on the way home. Once I get into the car I close my eyes until I arrive at the apartment. I didn't sleep but I'm too tired to look around.

The next day I fly to Paris with the other stars and staff. And once again Ian is nowhere to be seen. Maybe he flies with his private jet with that woman... or worse.. they haven't come back from whatever place Ian took her to when I called him l that night.

Ian tried to call last night, I ignored it and turned off my phone. I haven't turned my phone on until now. We're boarding the plane.

I really need to get him out of my system. And I should start it like yesterday.


I asked the staff to not leak my room's number to anyone (especially Ian, not that I said it out loud). I also told Yuka I don't want anyone to disturb me. She is not just my PA but also my friend, but she knows when I'm serious with her, like now. So she wouldn't tell anyone my room number.

I asked in the dining room for my dinner and slept afterward. I need to take care of myself and look fresh. I need to give my best for my career. Go to hell with Christian Hall and all his bullshit.

In the morning I feel better. At least my face looks good. The makeup artist doesn't have to put too much concealer near my eyes.

I'm ready for the filming when Braden comes to me. "Hey the crew want to have a get together on Thursday. You can join us?"

I smile "I need to check my schedule first, Brad."

"Yeah almost all the scenes have you in it" he chuckles. "Just le me know if you can okay"

I nod. "Thanks buddy!" I laugh and he winks.

We're going to shoot at the Dubois Palace. Ethan Hall purchased this place half a year ago. And this place is amazing. The paints, the arts, the statues. Everything is perfect.

We are going to shoot in any minute, but Ian is nowhere to be seen... damn! I already promise myself to not think about him anymore. I need to stop.

The filming so far so good. Ian is still gone like a ghost (not that I'm looking for him). Thursday comes. I already checked my schedule. I don't have any scenes until later in the noon. So I'm free to go. Yaayy! I need some distraction. And this is a good one. Braden takes all of us to the exclusive club. I'm wearing one of my short dresses that hugged my curves perfectly. It's a red strapless dress, and the hem of the dress is just a little bit lower than my ass.

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