Chapter 5 - Christian

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I was in the neighbor when Ethan texted me he is having lunch with Mads and Merry. He knows I want to have a chance to meet Merry face to face. Few days ago he summoned me to a dinner asking me why I haven't chosen a partner for the new project. I told her I want Merry and just Merry. She is a great singer and actress. I love her skills, and I can't imagine this project with anyone else except her. But Merry won't approve the project, and she doesn't tell My, my manager, why she rejected it. Mya and Ethan don't know our story. I told Ethan there is a problem that I need to fix it face to face with Merry. So here I am, crushing their lunch.

Merry looks even more beautiful than 5 years ago. Back then she was beautiful and young. But now, there is a hint of womanly beauty in her. And damn I can feel my dick twitch.

"Why do you want me now?" She whispers.

Who doesn't want her? She is beautiful, has a voice like an angel. The song she writes by herself is spectacular. I even can drown myself in it. Doesn't she know that?

"Why don't I want you? Even back then after I heard your voice from your youtube channel I want you. But you said you already got another project" it's true. After the faithful audition, I looked her up. And I regretted that I accused her for just being pretty. I asked Mya to contact her, but her manager told us she already accepted another project.

She licks her bottom lip. Damn! That makes me want to kiss her soft lip. Her floral perfume is enough to make my dick semi hard in front of her. I don't need other things to make my dick more inappropriate.

I tuck a tendril to the behind of her ear "I want you, Merry. I know I was wrong back then. Prove it to me now. Be my duet partner. Make this job gone viral. Punch me in the face and tell in my face the words you said in your first interview"

"You heard my interview back then?" She asks disbelief.

"Yes, I followed your first project. And I regret it that I didn't choose you back then" I still remember the interview when the host asked her about her first project in showbiz. She said there was someone that she really wanted to work with, but this guy rejected her. And now when everyone loved her voice and accepted her in this showbiz she wanted to tell the guy (me) that she made it. And she said she wanted to say this on my face 'I told you I can do this!'

Her face blush. And she tries to hide it, I take her chin back to me. "Okay? Let this project be your revenge project to me. Make it the best" I say softly.

She chuckles and shakes her head "you dare me, Hall?"

I grin at her "what do you think?"

Before she can answer... there is someone coming to my desk "Meredith!" I look up. The guy is handsome. His dirty blonde hair was styled in a little bit long, almost touching his neck. Who is he?

I can feel Merry freeze next to me. I look at her. Her face closed. If with me she was annoyed, with this guy... I don't know. Something deeper than annoyed.

"What are you doing, Jase?" Her voice cold, her eyes unfriendly.

"Hey, fancy meeting you here" he smiles. But Merry keeps her stoic face.

"Well, we're done here. C'mon Christian" she puts her hand in my arm. I'm smart enough to know I have to follow her. We stand up and go outside the restaurant but this Jase guy follows us.

"Mer, let's catch up sometimes. I miss you" he continues. I look at him. Either this guy blind or he just doesn't care. Meredith ready to puke on him.

"There's nothing to talk about between us, Jase"

"Mer..." he tries to move forward, but from Merry's face I know she is uncomfortable with this. I put myself between them "hey buddy, the woman's here doesn't want you to be near with him. So please respect"

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