Chapter 8 - Meredith

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I can't help the grin in my face. Ian just sent a tray of hot chocolates to our set. This is our first day shooting. I take a selfie with the hot chocolate and post it on my instagram and tag Ian.

Normally, I would just text him to say thank you. But we need a little bit of hype for our album. And I was right. The likes and comments went crazy. Everyone can't wait for our song. After all our albums always platinum, Ian even has some with double platinum. He is that good.

Ian also commented on the post with heart. Jeez, the fans are having a heart attack right now. Meredith Underhill steals Christian Hall from his fans. I shake my head but I'm still smiling.

He was calling me yesterday night. It was afternoon in LA. We talked for a while and then he said that I need my sleep for today so we ended the call.

It happens everyday. Day 4 in Finland, I fell asleep last night with my phone still on my ear. I just hope to God I didn't snore last night and worse, Ian record it

Today he sent cinnamon rolls. I'm wondering who is his person here? How come he knows where our set is for today.

"Looks like, someone is pinning on my ex girlfriend" Matt stands next to me munching the cinnamon rolls. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Seriously, Mer! You aren't that insensitive. Why does he have to send all these snacks for us? Well, we are working for Hall, but he is just a shareholder. And this is not my first movie with Hall, neither you. And we both know he never send this to the set before"

"Okay Mr. Detective. Stop it okay. He sent it to me because he feels bad. He was a little bit grumpy when I told him I'm going to Finland for 3 weeks. It affecting our project"

"Is he grumpy because you go to Finland or because you are here with me?" He gives me a look. Before I can answer it the director calls him. And he goes to start his act.

I inhale deeply and look at the cinnamon rolls. I can't help but to think the same as Matt's words. Damn you Matt!

This time I text Ian.

Meredith: Ian thank you so much for the cinnamon rolls. This is the best! Better than the one in LA. Btw, why do you keep sending us food? Just asking.

Ian: glad you like it, Merry. Well, I just want to make sure you're taking care of yourself. So you won't fall sick and you can come back to me faster.

I know my face is hot now. Come back to me... Gosh Mer! Stop with your mussy mind. It means nothing!


We finished earlier today because it was too windy today. I was sitting on my bed, reading my lines when someone knocked by the door.

I opened it. Michelle Rae, The Hall Industries PR, standing in front of me. We were working together during some movies, and now we are working together for this film and the collaboration with Ian.

"Hi Mich" I let her in and she takes off her coat. "Jesus! It's freaking cold here. God, I'm going to kill Eddie because he sent me to here"

I laugh. Eddie Watanabe is The Hall PR manager. "Why'd he send you here?" I sit on the couch. Michelle sits next to me.

She take out her phone and shows it to me. It's Ian and Matt's picture. "Pick one!"

"What?" I'm confused.

"I come here to help you with the gimmick. I know you hate gimmicks, Mer. I'm not asking you to date with one of these hotties. But I'm just going to ask to give a direction to only one between them"

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