Chapter 63 - Meredith

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Stupid Meredith... I'm on my bed alone. I look at the clock. 3 in the morning. I need (have) to sleep!! But I can't. Why can't I say yes to Ian? I want to. Really.. It's like a dream come true to have him confess his love to me earlier this noon. Perfect place, perfect man.

Why am I hesitant? Because you are afraid to take another risk. I'm a coward, aren't I? I can see the hurt in Ian's eyes. God, I hurt him.

What else do you want him to do? You know he would give you the moon, the star and the sun if you asked him. I abruptly sit down. Should I knock on his door? I know his room is right next to me. Thanks to my nosy girlfriend, Madeline.

I look at the watch again. Crazy Meredith. He probably is sleeping right now. I exhale and am willing myself to sleep! Tomorrow.... Tomorrow I'm going to tell him everything.


Damn! I am almost late. I didn't wake up until Yuka called my room. Jeez. I don't even know when I turned off my alarm.

My hair is still disheveled. I hope to God I don't have any droll maps in my mouth. I did my morning routine in record time.

The makeup artist and hair stylist start doing me when I step in the room.

Done! I come to the set. My eyes found themselves to search for Ian. But he is nowhere to be seen. Where is he? I come to Hitchcock. Normally he volunteers anything about Ian even before I open my mouth.

"Ready Mer?" He asks me. I nod. Damn! He didn't say anything about Ian.

Maybe he couldn't sleep last night just like me.

I start my scene. But after another hour Ian is still nowhere to be seen. And I feel uncomfortable now. Where is he?

I check for my phone. Ughh I left it in my room. Nothing good comes when you are late.

I go with the next scene and next and finally I couldn't hold it anymore. I come to Hitchcock when we take a break.

"Um... Steve..."

"Yes?" His eyes still gluing on his screen. Look at the latest scene I just finished.

I clear my throat. "Um... where is Ian? I mean Christian"

He stops and looks at me for a while. Um... why is he looking at me like this?

"You didn't know?"

"Is there anything I'm supposed to know?" I ask warily.

"He told me he texted you this morning"

"I... I was late this morning. I didn't even check my phone, and I left it in my room"

He exhales and takes out his phone. He clicks something and shows the screen to me.

Ian: Steve, I'm sorry I have to go back to LA. I have a family emergency. I'm so sorry. I'm in my jet right now on the way back to LA


I look at the time. 4am. I look at Hitchcock. "what happened?" I whisper.

"I called him when I saw the text. He told me something happened with his dad"

Oh my God. Liver transplantation. "Can... can I use your phone to call him?" My voice is shaky.

"Yeah sure sweetheart" he says fast.

I call him. The call goes to his voice mail again and again. Where is he?

I give Hitchcock his phone and run to find Yuka. Asked her to bring my phone here. ASAP.

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