Chapter 32 - Christian

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It's not exactly the same, but the shape is the same. I got a mix from my mom and dad. I can see the resemblance of them in me. People said I look like Ethan, the truth is, we have the same shape of eyes, mouth and nose. The infamous Hall figures. But I got my dad's colours. Eyes, hair, skin.

I look at Merry's phone. The little girl looks like me in the colours too, but her figures resemble her mom, I look at the woman in the picture who was standing next to my dad. They looked so happy. There is another picture. The three of them. The little girl looked adorably at her father. He must be a great dad for her.

"Ian, we have his address.. but..." Merry looks at me with uncertainty.

"What is it Merry?" I look at her. I know I wouldn't like the news she is about to spill.

"Mr. Stoke is in the hospital. He has liver failure. Yesterday he fainted at his house" Merry whispers to me. I can feel my head dizzy. I lean back to my seat.

"They are still waiting for the perfect liver for him..."

I rub my face. "We can go there and check on him if you want. Or maybe meet his wife?"

I look at her "will you come with me? I... I just want you to have you by my side, Merry. I—"

She puts her finger on my lips. "I will" she says softly. "You didn't hear me earlier? I said 'we can go there'... we not you" She smiles and she comes to kiss me passionately. I kiss her back. Like this, her scent and touch make me feel like I can do anything. Everything will be okay as long as I have her in my life.

She straddles me and works on my buckle "Lost yourself in me, Ian" she commands me softly and I do. She is all I need.


2 days later, Merry and I go to Portland. At this moment I wish both of us were not superstars. Because I don't want the paparazzi to find out about my dad.

I fly both of us in my private jet. Merry was surprised when I told her that I have my own private jet. She is so cute when something like this still can surprise her. She often flies with a private jet. Mostly from the promoter who provides her with all the extravagant service.

I specifically told Larry to not tell Mya about this. Even Larry just knows that I have a private matter here. He just helped me to book the hotel and check in.

We are in our hotel room. Merry and I just finished with the unpack. I'm nervous and I know Merry knows it too. I don't even cover my nervousness in front of her.

She comes to me and hugs me "I'm here for you, okay" she whispers and I nod. I hug her tightly. I may be bigger, stronger and taller than her, but she is the one who holds me. My rock...

She pulls from me and goes to the mirror. Pull her hair up in a messy bun and wear her cap and sunglasses. I take my cap and sunglasses as well and we both ready to see the man that I shared a DNA with...

We arrived in the hospital. Jack already gave us the room number so we don't have to stop at the nurse station.

Room 504. We are standing right in front of the room. I hold Merry's hand. Her other hand held a bouquet of yellow roses. She looks at me. "You ready?"

I nod. Before I knock the door a woman walks toward us "excuse me?" She says. We look at her. Carolina Stoke. Her eyes widened and glassy. "Oh my God you are here!" She knows.

She takes my hand and pulls us to the room. "He is still sleeping. Maybe in half an hour he will awake." She says while she's taking us inside. I look at the guy. My heart beat stop for a while. I can't move from my feet.

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