Chapter 37 - Meredith

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Ian has a dinner meeting with Mya. So tonight I'm going to have my dinner alone. Since we are together Ian never skipped to have dinner with me. In less than half a year Ian broke down all the walls in my heart. And now I'm afraid who will help me to pick my heart when he leaves me.

I exhale. I need to tell Ian about my feelings. He should deal with it. But what if he doesn't feel the same? Worst, he ran away from you... I don't know. That's why I keep waiting to tell him my feelings.

I just finished my dinner. I call Madeline. Ian told me about their lunch earlier. This is the first time Madeline fights with Ethan.

"Hi girlfriend" she answered my call, her voice lacked excitement.

"How are you Mads?"

"Um... trying to smile maybe" she says

I exhale. Worse than I thought. "Look, give me 15 mins and I'll be there okay?"

"No no. I'm okay Mer. Go enjoy your night with Christian"

"He's not here. He's having dinner with his manager. I'll be there soon okay!" I go to my room to change.

"No Mer. Really..." she says weakly.

"Expect me at your door in 15 mins" I hang up the phone. And getting ready to go.

I text Ian to let him know I'm going to Madeline's apartment.

Ian: I'll pick you up later? I just arrived in the restaurant. The road was packed.

Meredith: no. It's okay. I'm driving my car.

Ian: okay Merry. Let me know if you need anything

Meredith: yes my hero!


My friend looks like a dead-woman walking. I never saw her like this when she was fighting with her ex before.

She keeps talking about how she regrets it. We all know that December is the worst month for Ethan. His dad died in an accident on his birthday. December 28th. Ian told me, one time Ethan was gone for a week. Turned out he was staying in his father's graveyard. Ethan keeps thinking that it is his fault his father got into an accident.

I try to stir the conversation to lighten her mood. But it's no use. So I just stay there and listen to her wailing.

I was planning to stay the night with her but she forced me to go home. When I arrive on my floor. I look at Ian's door. Is he home?

I look at my phone. No message from him. It's midnight already. I go back to my apartment. Maybe the talk takes longer than they expected. And I'm a bit tired from earlier reading. So I text Ian to let him know I'm home and go to sleep.


Morning comes. I look at my phone. So many texts and emails. But I need to check on my friend first. I call Madeline. She says she is fine and ready to go to the office. Hopefully later she can fix her problem with Ethan.

God I need to check on these emails and messages. But first I need to wash my face and drink my caffeine. So I can use my brain properly.

I'm drinking my coffee and opening my texts. Yuka, Bea, Ian, Michelle Rae. Huh... what happened. I check from Ian.

Ian (last night): Merry, I just arrived at home. I knocked on your door but you didn't answer it. I'll see you in the morning okay? Miss you.

Ian (this morning): Merry are you awake? You have to trust me nothing happened. I just knocked on your door but you didn't answer it. You're not avoiding me, are you? Please open your door and let me explain it to you

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