Chapter 30 - Meredith

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I go to the toilet with Madeline. After we do the business, we retouch our lipstick. Madeline looks at all the stalls. The restroom is empty.

"Mer, tell me the truth! Do you love Christian?" Mads looks at me seriously.

I lean on the sink facing her. "I don't know Mads. I think I do. It's stronger than the one I feel for Jase back then. But... I think I keep trying to resist my feelings for him. Mads you know his past. I mean, he doesn't trust women"

"He trusts you. I mean what else can make him ask you to be his girlfriend if he's not trust you?"

I shrug. "I don't know Mads..."

"Look Mer! Even Ethan realized that Christian acted differently in front of you. Ethan said Christian never showed this much emotion towards a woman after his ex. Ethan even doesn't think Christian cared with his ex like he cares about you. Make him realize it Mer. He's not a stupid guy. I think deep in his heart he loves you too"

I look at my feet. "He did say he is obsessed with me. He is so possessive about me, somehow I thought he loves me. But he never said those words. So..."

Madeline put his hands on my shoulders. "I'll always be here for you. Okay? Just a phone call away" she smiles and I smile too. Madeline, she is more a sister than a best friend for me.

"Hey Mads... Can I ask for your help?"

"Sure!" She always says this whenever I ask for her help. Without even asking me what it is about.

I chuckle. Before I can say, a woman comes to the toilet. So we walk out. I show her a picture of my fan that has the same eyes and hair as Ian. "Does this girl resemble you to anyone?"

Mads looks closely and shrugs "a bit of Christian but they only have the same shades of eyes and hair. Why?"

"Can you hook me up with your not so nice chinese guy?"

"Jack?" Mads looks confused.

I nod. "I want to ask his help..." I look at Mads and she looks back at me in horror.

"No way Mer!" I know her 'no way' means there is no way this girl related to Ian.

"We don't know. I mean if I can help Ian to find his dad.. maybe, just maybe I can help him to know more about his parents. And maybe he can see more clearly about Helen. She loves him. It's very obvious but somehow Ian can't see it"

Mads looks at me for a long time. She even stops moving. "What?" I look at her.

"Because Christian never felt love before, so you think he couldn't love anyone and he wouldn't believe you and your love for him" Mads whispers to me.

Let me introduce you to Madeline Parker, the shrink of my heart.

Ian stayed the night at my apartment. I was still sleeping when Ian woke up. He kisses me "hey" he whispers. I smile sleepily. "Hey"

"I have to go now. Pick you up for lunch?" He is still kissing my neck.

"Okay" I say, still closing my eyes.

"Bye Merry" he kisses me one more time.

"Bye Ian" I fall asleep again. And my dream fills with happiness with Ian.

I wake up again an hour later. I smell the pillow. Ian's scent lingering on the pillow. I love it. I smile to myself. I go to the bathroom to take my robe.

When I look at the mirror. Gosh Ian leaves another hickey on me. One time I asked him why he did that. He said he's not a big fan of hickey but somehow he wanted to do that to me so everyone will know that I'm his.

I smile to myself and touch the hickey. "I'm yours Ian. My body, my heart and my soul are yours" I whisper to myself in the mirror.


My phone ping. A text...

Mya: Hi Meredith, can I call you? Mya Harlow.

Mya... Ian's manager... I call her and she picks up on the first ring.

"Hi Meredith. Thanks for calling me."

"Hi Mya. How can I help you?"

"Look Mer, I'll just go straight with you okay. Do you know Christian planning to stop from his acting career?"

"Um.. yeah. He told me about that" I say slowly. I don't think I'm going to like what she is going to say.

"Can you help me to ask him not to stop from the movie? Look, I have 2 great movies waiting for him. The first one is trilogy, the story is a bit of erotic. But if you want I can ask them to pick you as Christian on screen partner. The second one is a DC superhero. I don't know why he doesn't want to accept it. The director even called me saying they want Christian. They handed the golden ticket to him and he rejected them" I can sense a desperate and angry voice in there.

"Mya I don't think I can help you with this. Christian and I are very close, but I'm not going to intercept his decision for his career. I mean he has other things for him. I think you know he wants to be a director. And personally I think he will succeed. He is a genius, Mya. And for the film, I don't I'm interest. Because as you know I have an image to keep, and I don't think it will fit with the film" I say truthfully.

Mya exhales. "Are you the one who encouraged Christian to stop from acting?"

"What? No, Mya. I wouldn't do that. And he told me about this when we were filming the MV. So I don't have anything to do with his decision"

"Then help me! I know you are in a relationship with Christian. But please Meredith. You are an actress. You should know all the acting on screen is just an acting. Please don't let the jealousy cloud you and ruin Christian's career" she says. I couldn't believe what I heard.

"Look Mya. I have nothing to do with Ian's decision. And stop asking me to help you. I wouldn't do that. And please as his manager try to respect his decision"

"Goodbye Meredith" she hangs up the phone. Bitch!

How come Mya knows my relationship with Ian. I thought we agreed this would not go public. Ian texted me to wait for him in the lobby. I take my purse and go downstairs.


"What no. I didn't tell her but she is suspicious of us. I mean she's been with me for almost 10 years, Merry. She knows me very well" Ian says when I ask him about Mya. We are in the car and I still don't know where we will go. He said it's a secret.

"I'm sorry okay..." he squeezes my hand. "I didn't know she will bother you"

I nod. "That's okay but I think you need to have another talk with her, Ian. I don't think she will give up easily"

He nods. "I know. I'll handle her" he looks at me and smiles.

We arrive in the big mansion with the H craved at the gates. Ian opens the car door for me. I go down and am still mesmerizing with the place.

A lot of cherry blossom trees. Even though it's winter now, it's a beautiful place.

"Wow Ian. You know the owner of this place?"

He takes my hand and we walk to the garden instead of the house. "This is one of the Hall properties. The last owner of this place was my mom, Daisy Hall. She was living here with Ben. When she died, Ben moved to his fancy apartment near the city. So it will be closer to the office."

There is a glasshouse in the middle of the garden. We get in there. The weather is warm here. And there is a cozy couch, the table set up with the foods. I chuckle "you prepare for this?"

He kisses my forehead "I just realized I never brought you to a proper date. So this is it. Our first date" he gives me his signature grins. My heart goes pitter patter. He told me before that he never cared for the date. But with me he prepared this.

I touch his cheeks "thank you" I say softly and kiss him passionately.

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