Chapter 46 -Christian

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What the hell happened to her?

I came to her room, and all I could see was her pale face, her eyes blotted, tears on her cheeks. Who is the fucker? But no matter I asked her, coaxed her to tell me she wouldn't tell me. Is it Hossler? I swear to God I would kill him if it's him.

"can... can we cancel the lunch, Ian?" she asks weakly. She is still in my arms. She looks so weak and vulnerable.

"yeah of course baby, of course" I say, kissing her head. "I'm going to order in room dining. okay?"

she nods, but her eyes are still on the floor. I never saw her like this before. What happened to her?

I order lunch and come back to Merry. She still doesn't move from her seat. "want to talk about it?" I whisper to her. She shakes her head "just stay here with me Ian" she whispers back and hugs me. I know she's still crying. From the way she breathes, she sobs. A part of me wants to go check her phone and see her logs. But the other part of me knows better than to do that.

I don't know how long we stay like that. The next thing I hear the room service calls from the outside. "Give me a minute" I whisper to her. Finally she is moving. She stands up and goes to the bathroom. I open the door and let the room service set the table for us. Once the room service is gone, I knock on the bathroom "Merry..."

She comes out and smiles weakly at me. I hold her hand and take her to the table. We eat in silence. What is wrong with her?

I was planning to take her lunch and drive her somewhere more secluded. Ask her about yesterday. I don't think she realized what she told me yesterday...

"hey will you have your own family, Ian? I would love to have a family. My dream is to have a happy family with 2 or 3 kids and a loving husband."

"oh yeah?'

"yeah... Did you know I picture you in it with me? I wish you knew I'm in love with you, Ian..."

I look at Merry. I'm in love with you, Ian. She looks at me and smiles a bit, continuing with her food. I guess I need to wait for another day to confess to her that I love her too.

Let's make our own family, Merry. You and me and our children.


Merry is still in her bad mood, but she manages to smile better. After all, she is a great actress. We spend our day watching movies from the tv. With Merry's head on my chest all this time. Like she is afraid I will leave her. If we don't have anything to do tonight, I will confess to her my feelings. But I think we will need a long talk. and afterwards, I don't think I want to share her with anyone else. But we have to go for a gala dinner the sponsors have for their stars.

Yuka comes to bring Merry's dresses with Larry's help. They grew closer like best friends now.

"Which one will you use for December 31st?" I ask her, looking at the pile of the dresses.

Merry runs to me and pulls me from the dress "don't look" she covers my eyes. Her mood is getting better, or maybe she already practices herself since we're going to be seen in public.

"Just a peek" I joke.

"No" she pushes me farther from the dresses. I hold her waist "why?' I protest.

Yuka and Larry don't know about us but at this point I don't think we have to make it a secret anymore. Sooner or later they will know. I will confess to her about my feelings and I will tell the world that she is mine.

I was stupid enough to not realize what this feeling is. But when Merry told me in her sleep that she loves me, I know for sure what I feel for her is love.

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