Chapter 20 - Meredith

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Finally, we're going to make an MV. Ian is a genius. The concept is great, we're going to film 3 MV today. The concept is simple, but the song will make it perfect. I got into an accident and left on a stranded island. Ian helps me, at first we fight and after that we get to know each other, in the end when we fall for each other, of course, the squads come to save me. Leave Ian alone on the island. That's what we will shoot on Ian's island. Later we will shoot in LA, when I'm back to my normal life with a broken heart, Ian comes back to her under the Christmas Tree. This is a holiday album so we need to include holiday and Christmas. The first and second MV will be ending with a cliffhanger. It's almost like a small film, and I'm so excited about this.

And don't forget I need to put my facade on everyday. I don't want Ian to feel I'm a burden, just because we had sex and I can't move on from that.

The boat brings us to the island, the water is blue, the sky is clear blue sky. It's perfect. I look at Ian... ocean, sky, beach, Ian... more than perfect actually.

"That's the island" Ian comes to my side. I look at the island. It only contain one big resort, the theme is like we are in Bali, Indonesia instead of America.

"Wow" I breathe. "How many rooms in your villa?"

He stares at me "you didn't see the itinerary?"

"Um... no... actually I don't think Yuka gave me any itinerary..."

"The villa only has a room, a giant room. It's for us. I can sleep on the couch if you don't want to share the bed. It's fine. As for the crew, they are going to sail back and go to the nearest hotel"



I'm so going to kill Yuka... no, it's Bea. She must be the one who asked Yuka to not give me the itinerary. We're just arrived on the island, I excuse myself to go to the toilet. I take my phone and call Bea.

Once she picks up the phone, I fire her without waiting for her to say hello. "What the hell, Bea?"

"Good morning to you too, Mer. How's the island?" she says in a relaxed tone.

"Why you didn't tell me that I'm going to be stranded on this island with Ia.. Christian?" my voice is rising.

She laughs softly. "It's good, right? I saw the picture of the villa and island. You will love it"

"Yes, if my manager told me the truth and didn't hide the itinerary from me"

She chuckles "oh c'mon Mer. You're not a girl anymore. You can handle Christian Hall, right?"

She got me... I keep my mouth shut.

"Look, it's just for 4 days okay. Christian said he doesn't mind. He said you two in a good term so it's fine. And I think it would be weird for you to go back and forth. You two are adults, no one will say anything. As long as you are decent enough when they arrive on the island" she laughs. I'm done with her.

"Bye Bea. Have a lovely day" I hang up the phone while she is still laughing.

I inhale deeply. 4 days on this remote island with Ian means nothing. I'm a professional. I can handle this. It's easy to resist Ian's temptation

I open the toilet door and go outside to see the staff is preparing the tools, Ian is helping them with the tools as well. He is the director for the MV, the first time ever. Now I know why he said this is a big deal for him. He wants to become a director. This is a good start for him.

It's like he knows I'm looking at him. He spins around and looks at me. Blue green eyes, tousled hair, naked torso with perfect abs, swim trunks... um... I take it back. It's hard... no... extremely hard to resist Ian's temptation.

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