Chapter 27 - Meredith

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We're not just a fling...

Maybe I can make him fall in love with me like I fall in love with him..

I look at his eyes. There is no doubt in his blue green eyes that he meant his every word.

I nod and smile. He grins at me. God that grin is so sexy.

He kisses me again, this time softer than before. After the kiss is over he pulls his cock from me. He curses.

"Merry, I'm sorry I didn't use a condom and I didn't withdraw. Fuck! Merry I didn't mean it. Sorry" he looks panicked.

"It's okay Ian. The time is wrong. We are safe. I'm on my pill anyway" I just finished my period yesterday. So there is no way I will be pregnant.

He nods. He buckles his pants and pulls down my dress. His hand caresses my hair.

"I'm sorry Merry. I lost control. You okay?" He asks me softly. I shake my head "it's okay Ian... I'm okay"

"I know I was an asshole. I hate it that you didn't show me any emotion like I'm not important to you. I'm sorry" he touches his forehead with me.

"I was jealous, Ian. Tania told me she wanted another chance with you. She told me about how you were so sweet to her during the filming and I just... I don't know Ian."

He shakes his head. "I slept with her during the filming, yes. But I told her from the very beginning that there is nothing. I thought she understood. And in Santa Barbara, she asked me to go to her room. But I rejected her. There is nothing between us, Merry."

I nod. It's crazy but I trust his blue green eyes. They told me that Ian is telling me the truth.

I look around and I gasp. "Oh my God Ian, what if someone saw us from the beach. We didn't close the curtain!"

He shakes his head "it's one way mirror. We are safe"

"Thank God!" I breathe.

He takes my hand. "Come, I'll take you on a tour at my house" and I beam happily at him.

Ian's house.. no, it's a mansion... it's very big. Every room is very generous. I love the huge windows that face the beach. The living room is cozy. The open kitchen and dining table have an earthy theme. We go to the second floor. He takes me to every room. He has an entertainment room, with a lot of games. He has a gym room that faces the beach, the pool also on the second floor. It's an infinity pool, facing the beach. His studio room is so big and cool! He also has a home theater.

This super big mansion only has one bedroom. The master bedroom. It shows a lot what is on his mind. He doesn't plan to ask his family to stay the night here and he doesn't want to have a family of his own. The latter sends a bitter to my mouth.

Ian takes me to the master bedroom. This is huge! Even bigger than the one set up in my film when I was filming as a rich kid.

Couch, big tv, california king bed... he points to the doors. "Bathroom and wardrobe"

"Wow Ian. Your house is very nice."

"You are welcome here anytime, Merry" he caresses my face. "Do you want to stay the night here?" He whispers. "The worker will be back in 2 days for finishing. Tomorrow we can swim. I already asked people to clean up the house."

I raise an eyebrow at him "clean up? you were planning to stay here tonight?"

"I was planning to bring you here. To ask you to stay here for the night with me" he gives me his signature smiles and I laugh.

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