Chapter 35 - Meredith

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Since we're not going to stay in Portland, so Ian and I will be back to LA today. Because Ian still has the annual meeting as the shareholders in the Hall. James was also discharged from hospital today. We are on the way to the airport with Lexi driving the car for us. James and Carol stay at home.

"When will you be back to LA, Lexi?" Ian asks Lexi.

"I'll stay here until after the new year."

"Okay. Let me know if dad needs anything, okay?

We arrive at the private terminal.

She hugs Ian "finally I have someone to talk about dad. Mom always waived me away. Said not to worry. But now I have you! We can talk about dad" she grins at Ian. Ian is so lucky to have this adorable lil sister.

Lexi hugs me tightly. "Take care of my brother, Mer."

I laugh "yes mam"

Ian rolls his eyes. "Please Lexi. That's my job to take care of my girlfriend"

My face blushes every time he told his family I'm his girlfriend.

Lexi rolls her eyes to her brother. "Anyway I will keep my mouth shut. I know you two want privacy. I won't tell anyone. And please Ian, don't post anything about me. I still want my normal life. And don't follow me on instagram!"

"What? Why?" Ian complains.

"Your fans are kinda crazy. They will try to find who I am and why you follow me. No Christian! If you follow me I will block you"

"What the hell, Lexi?"

"I'm serious!" Lexi says death seriously.

"I'll follow you Lexi. Sometimes I follow my fans" I say to her and Lexi smiles widely. "Thank you Meredith! I love you so much. I always joined the games but never win that. I'm so happy you want to follow me. Oh my God" she fans herself.

Sometimes the PR from Bea asks her talents to do some small games and the winner would be follow by the star.

Ian keeps complaining while Lexi is too happy to care about his complaint.


We are on Ian's private jet. I look at the window. Ian kisses my neck "hey..."

I look at him and smile "hey"

"You are thinking about your parents now?" He says softly to me. I stare at him. "How come you know?"

He chuckles "you're not the only one who can read my mind"

"I'm wondering if I have any siblings like you. But I think it's clear for me that my parents don't want any relationship with me" I smile bitterly at him.

"Merry..." Ian hugs me. "You have me. It's their loss to not have you in their life." He looks at me and kisses me thoroughly. "Let's go to the back room. I'll make you forget about them" he whispers and I smile.


Home sweet home. Finally I'm in my own apartment. Ian goes back to his apartment. Both of us have a lot of email to reply. I open my laptop and start with my email. My phone rings.

"Yes Yuka"

"Finally you are back in LA!"

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I have um.. private matters to attend to"

"In Portland? I didn't know you have family there"

"How do you know I was in Portland?" I am confused.

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