Chapter 19 - Christian

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What the hell just happened with her?

She's not like the Merry I know. But I couldn't read her. Her smiles looked genuine. But her brown eyes express something different. What is it?

And the way she talked about it's just physical... there was something bitter in her voice. Wasn't it something bitter in your heart? Yeah... that's too...

I exhale and go back to my apartment. Somehow my logical mind thinks what is wrong with me. I should be jumping happily by now. But no... I don't want it to be a one night stand. I couldn't stop thinking about her the whole day. I don't know why.. I still remember the way her sad eyes when she told me about her and Hossler, I still remember the way she smiled proudly when I told her she succeeded in her career, I still remember her soft body, her voice when she screamed my name, her tight pussy that feels like home. I thought it was just some poetic words to make women happy but no. I really felt like I'm home when my cock buried deep inside her. God I need a cold shower!


Merry rejected me to go to the Hall HQ together. The recording studio is on the 3rd floor of Hall HQ. She said that she has another thing to attend in the morning.

So here I am sitting on the couch strumming on my guitar while waiting for Merry. I already recorded the melody, so today Merry and I only have to sing the song.

I can hear Merry laughs from afar. I look up and there she is. Walking to the recording room with Larry. They are talking happily. If I didn't know Larry is a guy I would think he has a crush on Merry.

Merry is wearing her loose long sleeves sweater, with black shorts and black long knee booth. Her hair is unbound, her face is free from makeup except a lip gloss. So far she is the only Hollywood star who doesn't always wear makeup (not that she needs any makeup). And it is refreshing to look at her lovely face.

She comes into the studio and looks at me. She smiles "you beat me. I'm early 5 mins" her voice light. That's good the fucker doesn't ruin her spirit but I hate it to know that she doesn't affect with our night as much as I do.

Both of us get ready for the recording. Larry leaves us to call the staff.

I look at her. She's still busy with her phone. I come to her from behind. "Merry..."

She spins around, didn't realizing I'm right behind him. She gasps. "Ian... you scared me"

I look at her deeply. What's on your mind? Why you closed yourself from me. What happened Merry? I should have known better to not touch you that night.

"What happened between us, Merry?" I whisper to her. She looks at my eyes deeply. Her brown eyes ask me questions that I can't decipher. "Tell me" I touch her cheek softly.

I'm sure she is a second away to tell me, but the door opens. 2 staff from Hall Recording come in. They don't realize they interrupt us because they were busy chatting.

"Ah the stars are here! We love early stars!" Cole says. He is a bearded guy with a big fat tummy. One of our senior staff in Hall recording. The other one with a lanky body is a junior staff, he called himself Bacon.

Bacon starstruck when he looks at Merry. Merry ducks from me quickly and smiles at both of them. "Hi Cole!"

"Hi Mer! Thanks for the gift. Where did you get it? I love the chocolate you gave us! The tour was amazing!" Cole grins widely at Merry.

Merry smiles shyly "thanks. The chocolate I got it from Paris. Cole nods happily. "Ah this is Bacon. He is new. You haven't met him right?"

Merry looks at Bacon and smiles. "No, I don't think we've met before, right Bacon?"

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