Chapter 17 - Meredith

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Ian holds my hand and takes me to the couch. He wears his boxer while I'm wearing his robe. Finally there it is my shirts and panties. I wear my shirt in record time, as for my panties. It ruins. Well, I will pick it up later. I put in on the couch and sit next to it so I won't forget.

"What do you want?" He asks me from his cabinet. Before I can answer it he adds "who says you can wear your shirt?" He jokes and I laugh. "So, drink? Wine, tequila, scotch, whiskey, vodka?"

I look at him. "Other than scotch I'm fine"

Ian looks at me for a while and he takes out a bottle of tequila and 2 glasses.

"Why not scotch?" He asks while pouring the tequila.

I shake my head "just had bad luck with that thing" I smile. I don't think I want to talk about my dad tonight.

He nods and lets it go. He pours 2 glasses of tequila for us. He touches my arm "the fucker did this to you" his voice sounds cold. I look at my arm, there is a small bruise from Jase. I smile and lean my head on his chest "It's okay Ian, he is the one who will have a big bruise on his eye"

Ian chuckles and I can feel he kisses my head.

"Jase is my ex" I start it. I know he doesn't ask, but I know too that I owe him an explanation. "I know him through social media. He contacted me to make a content together. Since then we'd become good friends. After 3 months he came with an idea to make an exclusive group. Like we will stay in the same house, make our own content, but we have to help each other. It was a brilliant idea. Back then, no one made it. We are the pioneers. The group is called Vibez Club. Jase, Andrew, Tony, Mads and I. It went wild. We grow faster than any other influencers."

"Andrew as in Andreas Roderick?" He asks and I nod. "We were only 19-20 back then" I giggle. "It was so fun. Jase was a smart boy. He came with a lot of different ideas for us. My account had the most followers and subscribers back then. Even before I met Jase. But I really looked up to him" the bitter memories come to my mind. I drink tequila and close my eyes. "When he started to treat me differently, our fans started to hope for us to become a couple. I was so happy. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I agreed. He filmed everything and posted it on his channel. Did you know that was one of the most viewed videos back then" I chuckle. I look at Ian, he's not even crack. His face looks stoic.

"Sorry... um... you want me to continue or..." I think I bored him. He shakes his head "go on" he says and pulls me back to rest on his chest.

"Back then I was just thinking he wanted to share this to our fans. So I was fine with him filming it. Guess he just wants the money from youtube. He treated me like I'm his princess. I didn't even know he cheated on me more than once" my eyes glassy. "I found the last one because Tony was there. All of us were invited to one of our friend's 21st birthdays. I couldn't come because I had to go to NY for shooting. Mads went back to Julian Town for family events and Andrew's dad was having an accident so he had to go back to his house. Tony found out in the morning that Jase slept with another woman" I lean back. "And the worst, that wasn't the first time they slept together."

"Afterwards you break up with him?" He drinks his tequila and I drink mine too.

"Yes, broke up with him and moved out of the house. Mads, Tony and Andrew too. Andrew had to go back to start learning the rope of his hotel chain. Tony broke up with his girlfriend that we thought they would marry and said that he wanted to pursue the degree. Mads stayed in LA to finish her degree, afterward she went back to Julian Town to take care of her mom. As for me, my manager Bea White asked me to focus on showbiz and leave social media. As in that's not my priority anymore. I agreed with her"

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