Chapter 66 - Christian & Meredith

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My life is perfect.

Here I am standing in front of my room's window and the cherry blossom's grove. Today is Ethan and Madeline's wedding day.

The cherry blossoms bloom in perfection. I turn around and look at Merry. She is still sleeping in the bed, naked.. Her peaceful face never fails to give a smile to my face.

Since I came back after that surgery, my life starts with a smile and ends with a wider smile. Merry moved to the house, we lived together and found our rhythm. After dad fully recovered, he and Carol flew back to Portland, Lexi back to her apartment with a promise to have dinner once a week with Merry and I.

It's so good to wake up next to the love of your life and fall asleep after we make love.

We still have our monthly dinner with Merry's friend. Now the group is expanded to 6 people. 4 original + Ethan and me.

The last two weeks Merry was busy helping Madeline for the last minute decision for the wedding. And next month Merry and I will start our first film together with Justin Lee as our director.

Merry hugs me from behind. She is naked. I can feel every curve of her body on my back. "good morning Ian"

I turn around and kiss her forehead "good morning baby"

She smiles and kneels in front of me. "Ready to start your day sir?" She looks up at me and starts licking my cock.

I'm in heaven.


Ethan and Madeline are so happy, their smiles are so wide and I never see Ethan this happy. He deserves it, after everything he's been. through in his life. I look at the clear sky. Uncle David, Aunt Amanda. Congratulations! Your son is married to a great woman. I'm sure they will live happily ever after.

I stand with Mike Anderson, Ethan's best friend and right hand man in Hall Industries. We are waiting for the bride's team to come in. The song starts, Merry walks elegantly with her pink dress, her eyes on me. It's like we are the one who will get married today. I can't wait to make her my wife. She looks so perfect with her smile and sexy body. The body I just licked not too long ago. As if she can read my mind, her eyes widened and her face flush. She smiles her secret smile at me and turns to stand at her position. Rainey comes in next. Mike whistles under his breaths. "Wow, the bridesmaid is so pretty"

I chuckle "planning to bang the bridesmaid?" I whisper to him.

His eyes never leave Rainey. Rainey is also in a pink dress and she is a pretty girl. Looks like Mike is mesmerized with her. "Hey, she is your boss' wife's best friend. Careful dude" I say.

"Nah, one night stand won't hurt anyone" he says, eyes still on Rainey and I chuckle "good luck"

He jabs me "that's my words for you, dude!"

That's true.. I need all my luck for tonight...



The party is so huge, and everyone praises it. But most importantly, Madeline and Ethan are so happy. And I'm happy too. I'm here with the love of my life, his lovely family and our best friends.

I don't hear anything from dad since his last call in New York. And mom... Well, I think she already forgot she has a daughter.

But that's not important. The most important thing is I have people who truly love and care about me.

Ethan and Madeline are going to start the garter show. They will start with Ethan first. Ian is in front of the stage. He said he is ready to catch the garter. I'm nervous... What if he did it and I failed? Jeez... stop Mer. There is no what if. I'm sure if Ian gets the garter I will get the bouquet. I will jump as high as possible wearing these skyscraper heels.

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