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5 years later

"Cut! It's a wrap everyone!" The director says. Merry smiles and hugs her co-star. Saying her thank you and goodbye. She goes around the set saying her thank you and goodbye. I look at her from far away with our 3 years old baby girl, Grace Amanda Hall.

"Mommy is so pwetty" Grace says and I laugh. "I agree with you, baby girl." We are waiting near the van because I know Merry will have a kissing scene for the last scene. It's hard to explain to Grace at this age. We think it's better for her to not see this. Grace loves to watch her mom on the screen. We often showed her Merry and my MV. But the only film she ever watched is the one I made.

My first short film that won at Cannes film festival. I made a short film based on my POV about Merry. The title is Meredith Hall. It goes viral. The camera is walking as in me. So, you will see everything based on one point of view. There is no main actor. The main actor is the camera and my voice. Merry's acting skill got a lot of praise from the critics. I won the best director and best movie. Since then I have focused on my directing career. Even though our movie together 5 years ago with Justin was a blast. We won best actor and actress for that. I still prefer to focus on my directing career. I'm still taking some movies, but only the one I like the most and I still produce some collaboration albums with Merry and write a lot of songs for myself, her and other singers too. Clayton Lee, my manager helps me a lot with my directing career. I was planning to join Bea's management. But she refused. She doesn't want to have another drama with Mya since I was her talent. At the same time, Clayton came to me when I was filming with Justin Lee. And I agreed to join his management.

Since then I have written a history for my directing career with all my films going to the box office. And Merry becomes a great scriptwriter. We sometimes works together. Merry is still acting, but she is also selective with her movie. Even though her name grows even bigger since the film of Princess Grace Kelly 5 years ago. The film gained a huge success in box office. Everyone praised Merry's acting and Hitchcock's perfect choice for the main actress. Since than Merry got a lot of script, but she just took the one she likes the most. She is more active in her singing career, and now she also has Hall properties to take care of. She takes the legacy seriously. She has lots of good investments and some of them she renovated to rent it to a production house. We checked the properties bimonthly, and Grace would come with us happily, sometimes we take Ethan's kids to come along with us.

But one thing for sure, Merry always has us on her top priority. No need to ask her twice. Her biggest focus is us. Her family. Me and Grace. She refers to us as the air that she breathes. How can you live without air?

"Go to mom!" I put her on the ground. Grace runs with her little legs to her mommy while shouting "mommy! Mommy!"

Merry looks at Grace and her face lights up. She runs to her and spins her. She hugs and showers her with kisses. Our job takes most of our time but we promise that Grace is our first priority. We won't let her feel left out. Merry and I came from a fucked up family. But we promise ourselves that we will be better parents then our parents. And we won't make the same mistake like they did to us.

"I missed you so much, baby girl" Merry laughs and then she looks around. Her brown eyes find me. I smile and come to her. Without a word, I pull her waist and kiss her "I missed you Merry" I whisper in her mouth.

"I missed you too Ian" she smiles and then she pulls back "and thanks for the anchovy!" She says and I laugh. Well, I trust Merry 100% but still, anchovy for every kissing scene (except the one with me). She kisses me again and Grace giggles. We pull back and look at her. "I want too mommy!" Merry laughs and kisses her mouth "I missed you baby girl" Merry says and Grace giggles happily. The best view in my life...

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