Chapter 31 - Christian

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After we finished our lunch, I take Merry to the house. The house is big, decorated with classic style.

"Who lives here?" Merry asks me while her eyes move around the house.

"Now? Butler, maids and gardeners."

"This is such a nice place. How long in a while you come back here?"

I look at her. She stops walking and looks back at me. "I've never been here when my mom was still alive. She never wanted me to be here. After she died, I came here for the first time when my second cousin used this place for his wedding."

"A wedding here?" Merry looks around. "Must be pretty" I know she deliberately skipped the part my mom never wanted me to be here.

I take her hand upstairs. I want to show her the view from there. We can see all of the cherry blossom's grove from here.

She stops at a paint picture. It's my mom...

"She is so pretty" Merry whispers. I can't see the picture. No matter how many people told me Daisy Hall is one of the prettiest women in her era, I still couldn't see her. For me, she is my nightmare.

Merry looks at me. My eyes look everywhere except the picture. "Let's go" she says softly and takes my hand.

I open the corner bedroom door and Merry giggles. I look at her "what?"

"I thought you wanted to show me something.. turns out you bring me to the bedroom" but she's walking in anyway. I chuckle and close the door behind me. "Libido in check, Merry" I take her to the terrace.

Merry looks at it and breathes. "Oh my God! I know it will look magnificent when it blossoms! Even now in winter it still looks perfect!"

I hug her from behind. "You like the view?" I ask her. She looks up at me and smiles. And then she turns around and puts her arms around my neck "now, this is the best view in my life" she says softly to me. Her eyes look directly at my eyes.

I feel my heart swell. This happiness... I don't think I ever felt like this before. I kiss her passionately. I pour all my heart in that kiss. I hope Merry can feel it. Will we be together for a long time? I'm afraid that one day she will change and become like other women in my life.

"Ian.." Merry whispers, I look at her, her eyes glassy. I touch my forehead to her. We breathe heavily "you okay, Merry?"

She nods and kisses me again. "Let's go inside. I want you inside me, now" she whispers to me while her hands creep inside my collar and caress my shoulders and chest skin to skin.

I hold her ass and lift her. Her legs wrap around my waist and I walk back to inside.


Merry is still sleeping in my arms. It's already 4 pm. Somehow it's crazy the way she couldn't get enough of me, and I couldn't get enough of her. I look at her face. Can I ask a forever with you, Merry?

I can feel my heartbeat wildly. Where's that coming from... a word forever never crossed to my mind before. I look at the room's ceiling. Merry snuggles closer to me. I look at her "Merry?"

"5 more minutes" she mumbles and I chuckle. "Wake up sleepyhead, it's already 4 pm"

"Do we have to go?" Her eyes still close but she smiles and kisses my chest.

"Not really. We can stay here as long as you want" I kiss her forehead.

"Yaay!" She says softly.

"As long as it's with me" I add and her eyes open. She lifts her head and looks up at me deeply. I look at her. "What?"

She shakes her head and back to rest her head on my chest. "Ian, have you ever tried to find your dad?" She says softly.

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