Chapter 24 - Meredith

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It feels like heaven to stay on this island. But today we have to go back. I'm going to miss this place. When can I come back here? Maybe never. Unless I can make Ian take our relationship to the next level.

What are we? That question keeps ringing in my head. I don't know what we are... lover? Fling? I'm lost in him. I know I fall too deep. And the worst part I don't know where I stand in his heart.

"What's on your mind?" Ian hugs me from behind and kisses my head. I don't want to spoil our moment here. No, you just want to delay asking him about your relationship with him... Sshh!

I smile and turn to him "nothing. This 4 days felt like heaven to me"

"Yeah me too" he hugs me tightly. Is that 'me too' means you feel the same way as I do, Ian?

"We're done!" Shouts Larry. I extricate myself from Ian "I need to take my purse in the room" I run to the room. I look at the bed. It's still messy. I smile to myself. I didn't know I like sleepy morning sex until now. I take my purse ready to go when Ian comes behind me. He locks the door.

"Ian... everyone is waiting for us. What are you doing?"

He holds my waist. "Let them wait" he kisses me and his hand pulls my zipper down.


Somehow, I feel nervous. What will happen when we get back to the apartment. I should ask him. It's no use to prolong the inevitable.

But... I think I already know the answer.

Ian is still outside to talk with the apartment's staff to take our belongings to our unit. I just walked into the apartment when I saw a woman.

"Meredith!" Squeals a voice with a high note. It's Tania Davis. Ian co-star from his latest film. She is a beautiful sexy woman. We worked together 2 years ago in a movie.

"Hi Tania" I smile and hug her. "Um... are you meeting someone here?"

"Yeah, actually I'm waiting for Christian"

I can feel the lump in my throat.

"Oh... he is out there, take care for the belongings"

"Always the gentleman" she chuckles. "By the way what are you doing here, Mer?"

"I... I live here" I force myself to smile.

"Oh. What a coincidence. Christian also leaves here temporarily, right!"

"Temporarily? I didn't know"

Tania blinks. "I thought you 2 are close." She comes closer to me. "Do you sleep with him, Mer?"

I look away. I'm sure Tania slept with Ian too.

She laughs "you so did! He is great right. But so far no one could tie him down. I thought he was into me. We were filming in Mongolia for 2 weeks. Like in a stranded place, right. He was everything. I was thinking there was something more. Turns out, when we came back for filming here, he said it's just physical for him" she shrugs "I'm still planning to pursue him though. I couldn't get him out of my head" she laughs. Like she told me about a great experience.

"Good luck Tania" I smile. "By the way I have other things to do. Can you tell Ia... Christian that I'm going to my place first? Tell him I say thank you" there is slightly shaky in my voice, but I doubt Tania realizes it.

"Sure sure!" She says and I wave at her and go to the elevator.

I go to my apartment, lock the door and go to my shower. I open the water and let the water slush over my body. I don't even care to take off my dress. I sit there and cry.

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