Chapter 55 - Christian

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Message from author: if you haven't read my other book, Trust in You, you might want to skip this below one paragraph. Because it contains some spoilers from that book. If you skip this part, don't worry it will not affect the whole story of this book. Just confusing a little bit. But I'm sure you will still enjoy this book as much as I do ;) thanks!

I called Ethan on my way to the police station. I know Thomas Hudson got into jail because he attacked Madeline, his ex girlfriend. Long story short, Hudson cheated on Madeline with Camilia, Ben's daughter with his first wife. Ben, Camilia and Hudson were planning to pull Ethan down from CEO by using Madeline. Their plan failed, Cam decided she doesn't want Hudson anymore. Ethan charged Ben and his cronies for the embezzlement to pay back to Hall Industries. Hudson tried to run, and as an asshole he had face to ask some money to Madeline, things gone wrong, he tried to attack Ethan and Madeline. And now he is in jail. Ethan sets the lawyers team to keep Hudson in jail for a very long time. And now, Hudson is trying to pull Ben and Cam too.

"Christian" Ethan picks up the phone.

"Hey E, I need to talk with your for a while"

"Yeah sure. Hang on..." there is some noise "it's Christian, sweetness... no! You promise me! What? Sweet..." I hear the door close. Ethan exhales and curses softly. He comes back to the phone "yes C?"

I chuckle "what happened with your woman?"

"She promised me she will let me help her to clean up in the shower. Now she leaves me. Thanks to you"

I laugh. "It's already night, why'd she has to clean up... no it's okay I don't think I want to know"

He chuckles.

"Hey listen E... I want to ask you about Ben"

"Ben? What happened?"

"I'm on my way to the police station. He asked to go there. Have any idea what he is going to talk to me about?"

"Um... other than he asks for your help to save his life, I cannot think of anything else"

"Yeah me too. But he should know by now. I'm not going to help him. He fucked with Hall Industries, with you. He knows where I stand"

"Yeah. But I can't think of anything else. Hudson will stay in the jail for a very long time. Maybe he needs friend"

Thanks to Brown, Luther, Underwood, Ford and Associates. They are the top law firm in the states. And they are on The Hall retainer. Ethan told them to make sure Hudson stayed in the jail for a long time.

I chuckle "maybe. Okay, I'm close to the police station. Will let you know if there is anything important from Ben"

"Okay. Good luck cuz!" We end the phone.

I go down from my Ferrari and walk into the police station. The officer looks at me and recognize me in a second "Mr. Hall, are you here for Mr. Benjamin Sanders?"

"Yes. He asks me to come here."

He nods and calls someone. In a few seconds another officer comes from the door "Mr. Hall, this way please"

Here we go, Ben...


"Christian" Ben stands up from his seat. He looks... bad. This is his worst appearance so far. He looks much older than the last time I saw him.

We sit down, he rakes his hair, it looks like a bird nest to be honest. "I can't believe I can be in this position" he exhales.

If he didn't fuck with Hall Industries maybe I will indulge him in this kind of chit chat. "What do you want, Ben?"

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