Chapter 47 - Christian

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"I'm sorry Merry" We walk to her suite. I know she is angry with me because I was lact like an asshole toward Rhodes. But that's because I thought he is still pining on her.

I take her wrist. "Merry listen to me... please"

She glares at me. "Ian... I told you many times Rhodes and I are friends. We are good friends."

"I know I'm sorry"

"Why do you have to do that to him? It's not nice, you know." She takes her hand and crosses it under her breasts. Shit, it enhanced her voluptuous breasts. I was momentarily distracted. She looks at my eyes and follows my vision. "Jesus Ian!" She walks to her bedroom.

"Merry!" God I feel as idiot as Ethan right now...

"Merry wait let me explain" I hold her waist and pull her to me. She is so close. I barely can control myself to not kiss her. I need to fix these things first.

"Look. I'm sorry. I was jealous. He hugged you so tight. You can't say I don't mind Merry. He is your ex for god's sake. And the two of you were kissing not too long ago"

She looks confused. "What do you mean?"

"I saw your movie with him. You two looked cozy with each other"

"Back then we were dating Ian. You know that"

"Not that one. The last one in Finland"

She exhales. "We've been working together for 3 years Ian. We built on screen chemistry for 3 years. What do you expect? Well you always looked cozy with all your on screen partner"

"We're not talking about that, Merry. It's because Rhodes is your ex. I feel uncomfortable with him. But I know you two are nothing. You even know he is pinning on Bella Luther"

"Of course I know. All we talked in Finland was about her"

I grin "and me?"

"No" she snaps and extricates herself from me. But I know I was right. I take her wrist and pull her back to me "yes you are" I grin

"I'm still mad at you" she feigned annoyance.

I kiss her thoroughly. I know she will give in. And I was right. She opens up for me. Moans on my mouth.

I pull back and look at her deeply "I'm sorry Merry. I was jealous. You are mine. Only mine. I want to show it to everyone that you are mine. If that makes me look like an ogre or caveman, let it be. You are worth more than my image"

Some emotions flick from her eyes. I can't decipher. But the next thing I know she kisses me and starts to unbutton my outfits.


December 30th we have rehearsal for the concert. Everything went well, some singers we know asked us to have lunch together and stroll around NYC at an exclusive boutique. The promoter called the boutique to close it for the public. When you have a bunch of Hollywood Stars in tow, the boutique will happily close it for you.

Merry and I had so much fun with our friends. I just realized one thing... I never had this fun with my famous friends before Merry. I always put everyone too far from me. Like I pull myself out from friends. But Merry is the opposite of me. She has so many friends from showbiz. And some of them look close to her.

Maybe I should start to make a friend with everyone. There is no more me and myself alone. I have dad and his family, I have grandma and Ethan (and now Madeline too), and I have my love, Merry. My life is as normal as other people. Not the lonely unwanted Christian Hall.

One time Merry, Bianca, another singer and songwriter, and Belle playing fashion shows in the boutique. They come out with different outfits like on a runway. But my focus is only on Merry. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her. She looks so happy, pretty and free.

One time she wore a sexy dress. My eyes widened. And I know some of our friends drooling over her sexy curves. She comes to me and sits on my lap. "So, Mr. Hall will you take me home tonight?" She says seductively, her finger tracing my lips and winks. I just stare at her. Mesmerized with her. She laughs and walks back to the changing room.

Rhodes chuckles behind me. "God, she got you wrapped around her little finger"

I look up, Rhodes stands not too far from me. Some of our friends also chuckle.

"What can I say" I say under my breath but loud enough for them to hear. Everyone laughs and I can't help my chuckle.

Merry bought the dress. The fucking sexy dress. I take the bag from her. "Are you planning to use it somewhere?"

She smiles at me. "Yes..." she pulls my shoulder a bit. She is wearing heels so her height is getting taller around my neck. She whispers in my ear "I might show some strip dance for my boyfriend tonight" she winks and fuck! I'm going to go out from this store with a hard on. Thanks for my wicked girlfriend.


Turned out, Merry and I didn't realize some of our friends recorded the fashion show role play and posted it on their social media. Now the video of Merry sitting on my lap has gone viral.

And both of us couldn't go with our friends for dinner because the press will look at us like prying eyes.

So here we are in another room dining with Yuka and Larry. We chat and joke. It's so nice to have some friends around. I could get used to it. Invite our friends to our house. Our.

I smile to myself when there is a knock. I look at Merry "who's coming?" Merry seems a little bit off after the video of her sitting in my lap gone viral. She is still uncomfortable to be seen with me outside the project or events.

Merry shrugs.

Larry opens the door. It's Bea White. Merry's manager. Off white sweater, faux skin pants, booth and coat. She looks at me "oh hi, Christian"

"Hi Bea. Want to have dinner with us? We just started" I say to her.

"Not really, I still have another meeting downstairs with a potential client. I just came here to check on my girl" she smiles warmly and Merry. Merry smiles back. When was the last time Mya checked on me in person. Not that I need. But the way Bea smiles at Merry, I know she really cares for her. After all, she's been through with Merry during her shitty days post Jase.

"You are going to make another young girl famous like this one?" I ruffle Merry's hair. Merry blush shyly.

Bea chuckles. "Nah... this one is not from zero. It's Daniella Carter."

"Daniella?" Merry looks surprised. "Wow... you got a supermodel! Lucky you!"

"Well, I hope I get her. We're not signing yet even though we are leaning to that. But I don't want to jinx it" she says, stealing Merry's cherry tomato. "Oh this is good!"

I look at Bea. "Daniella doesn't work with Mya?" I ask Bea slowly

Bea looks at me for a while and shrugs. "She said she broke the contract. They are finished. I know why. But it's not my position to tell you Christian. But maybe you might want to know. Just call Daniella. I think she will tell you"

I just smile. I'm not into gossip. But I can't help the feeling that Bea words means more than that.

Bea chats a while with Merry, they go to the room because Bea wants to see the dress for tomorrow. The one Merry hides from me.

I look at Larry. "I didn't know she quits from Mya"

Larry shrugs. "You want me to ask her PA?"

I shake my head "nah I'm not into gossip"

They come back and Bea looks at her watch. "I have to go. Good luck for tomorrow dear" Bea air kisses Merry. She says goodbye to Larry and Yuka too. She shoots me a look "take care of my girl, or you have to answer to me"

"Yes mam". I grin.

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