Chapter 29 - Meredith

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I love you, Ian...

I sit on my couch, while my own voice rings in my ears. God I'm so stupid. How can I say it loud and clear in front of him!

I couldn't read his expression. Is he relieved when I said I didn't mean it or... I cover my face with my hands and groan "You are so stupid Meredith!"

I look at my phone. Ian texted me to let me know the restaurant has been taken care of. And my social media has a lot of notifications. Must be from the shoot earlier. I look at some pictures. I stop at my picture with a group of teen girls. This girl... earlier when she asked me to take a picture, I was surprised to see her. I zoom in on her face. Her  blue green eyes... the exact color as Ian... her natural dark blonde hair has the same shades like Ian. She has a bit of Ian.

I don't know who my dad is...

Is it possible that this girl... I exhale. I promise to myself to help Ian find what is the meaning of love. I want him to see Helen really love him. Despite whatever happened in the past. And if I can find Ian's father. Maybe his father will love him, and at least Ian knows there are people who really love him. Like Helen and... me...


Ian and I go together to the restaurant. "So you are the owner of this restaurant?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "I just helped my friend with the money. But he is the one who maintains the restaurant. I just see the figure report monthly"

"I've been dying to go to this restaurant for a while. Mads told me the foods are insane. She went here with Ethan last week and still wouldn't mind to come back here today"

He smiles at me "you should have told me earlier. We can eat here everyday if you want" and I laugh.

We arrived at the restaurant. There are some paparazzi trying to take a picture of celebrities. The security guards us so we can go directly to the restaurant.

The waiter takes us to a secluded corner area. It's a long table with 3 on 3 seats.

"You always ask for this secluded place?" I ask Ian and he nods. "Sometimes I just want to enjoy my food without blitz"

I laugh "yeah, me too."

Ian caresses my cheek and kisses me.

Someone clears her throat and sits in front of me. Madeline. "Please don't do any inappropriate action in front of me"

We laugh. "Where is your knight?" Ian asks her. She exhales. "Mike took him from me" Madeline fakes her cry (so ugly. No wonder she didn't even try in Hollywood)

"Fire him. You are, after all, Mrs. Hall" I tease her.

"Yeah. I'm thinking about that too!" Madeline says and she laughs. "No way. If Ethan loves me to be his better half, he loves Mike to be his co-worker"

Ian chuckles. But I just smile. It's so easy for Madeline to say love to Ethan. I look at Ian, what will he do if I tell him I love him?

"Excuse me, can I get a picture with you please, Christian Hall. Just you. I don't want with Meredith" I look up. Andrew.

Ian and Mads chuckle. "Ha ha so funny Drew. Flash news. I don't want to take a picture with you as well, Mr. Roderick" I say dryly. Andre laughs and he comes to embrace us.

"Where is Tony? He should pay for the dinner. He's always late!" Mads wails.

"Ethan is not here so you are a grumpy grandma now?" I tease her and Madeline laughs.

"Ah look that's Tony!" Mads points out. He grins at us and comes closer "before you guys complain to me. I'm not late, okay. This is called on time"

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