Chapter 36 - Christian

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Merry and I ride together to the Hall HQ building. I have an annual meeting to attend while Merry has a reading script for her latest film.

I walk her to the third floor while she complains that I don't need to walk her. I didn't tell her I just want to let everyone know that we are together or at least close... very close.

"I'll see you at lunch?" I ask her and she nods. "Okay. Bye Ian." She smiles at me. I look around. No one is here. So I steal a kiss from her "bye baby" I whisper to her. Her eyes widened, her face blush.

"Ian!" She hisses. I grin and ruffle her hair. "Bye!" I go to the elevator.

I walk to Ethan's office. "Morning Mr. Hall"

Ethan looks at me and chuckles "someone is in his good mood today"

I shrug. "My life is great. I have a woman I like with me, I found my dad, my song still number one on chart"

Ethan shakes his head. I told him yesterday by phone that I found my dad. He was so happy for me. And asked to meet my dad too.

"We're not going to see another photo slideshow with you starring on it right

"Jesus C! I hope not." he breathes.

"Where is Mads?" I look at her desk but she isn't there.

"Take care of the meeting preparation. Should I ask HR to give her a new assistant so she wouldn't be too tired?" I thought he was kidding, but his face is so serious.

"No Ethan, unless you want Madeline to think that you are crazy"

"Jeez C! Last time I checked you are the one who should take relationship 101 class."

"Fuck you E!" I say in good humor and we both laugh. Helen gets into the office. "Morning Ethan!" She looks at me and surprised "Christian! I thought you were downstairs."

I shrug. "Well I think I will go to the meeting room now. See you there" I'm ready to go but Helen holds my wrist. "Can we have lunch together? With Ethan and Mads as well of course."

I look at her. Somehow I can see the same expression between her and dad. I nod slowly. "Okay grandma. But Meredith will join us too"

She smiles brightly "perfect! 5 of us okay?"

I nod and leave.


Turns out Merry's reading took longer than she expected so she has to cancel our lunch. So here I am sitting in the restaurant with Helen, Mads and Ethan.

I'm still thinking about Ethan announcements for Ben and Cam shareholders that will be transferred to me. I know Ben and Cam got it from my mom. Because mom died in an accident, she didn't make any will so all her legacy goes half and half between me and Ben. Except for the Hall properties because it goes back to Helen. That what was written on her wedding pre nuptial. I was shocked she did that. I thought she just cared with Ben. I don't mind actually. Back then I already sat comfortably in a pile of money.

"Too bad Merry couldn't make it" Mads said to me when we walked to the restaurant.

I shrugged "what can you say, sometimes the reading could be very fast, sometimes it could take hours. With Hitchcock I think he is more into details so it will be long" Actually Steven Hitchcock asked me to join the reading since he agreed to take me under his wings. He wanted me to see all the process from the very beginning. But the Hall annual meeting isn't something I can miss. We will never know who will stand against Ethan. Like I said The Hall is a super big company. Too many people want the CEO seat. But thank God today's meeting went well. Green figures, no additional slides starring Ethan and Madeline anymore.

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