Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up to my alarm and a very long note taped to my pillow. It was from Ric so I picked it up and read it.

Gosh, I don't know where to begin. You are beyond amazing and I can't believe you're mine. Your soft smile when you sleep is the cutest thing and hearing you softly mumble my name melts my heart. Your tiny hands intertwine with mine perfectly and your eyes. God,  your eyes. I could stare into them for an eternity and never get bored. I love watching them light up whenever you're talking about something you're passionate about. I love whenever you come racing to the classroom after school is over just to sneak a hug and a quick kiss. Your giggle is like music to my ears, especially when I'm the reason why. I love you Violet Evans, I love all of you. I love the way you complain about being so short and playfully punch my stomach for being too tall. I love watching you focus intently on your school work. But most of all, I love your heart. It has so much goodness and purity in it. It has so much love for all things, never seeing anything bad. I love that I'm in that beautiful heart. I wish I could explain how much you mean to me but that would take far too long. I love you so very much my beloved Vi. Never forget that. Yours forever, Ric ❤️

Tears flooded down my cheeks as I clutched the note close to my chest. I grabbed an empty picture frame and gently put the note in there before hiding it in my nightstand. I immediately texted Ric, still crying.

Me: I don't deserve you

Ric: I see you saw my note

Me: I did. I love you way too much Ric

Ric: I love you more Vi. Do you think you can get to school early?

Me: Yeah and don't forget, we have our field trip today

Ric: A whole day with my girl. What could be better?

Me: Hehe. I'll be at school soon

Ric: Ok. Meet me in the teacher's parking lot

Me: Ok, I'll let you know when I get there

Ric: Sounds good. I love you

Me: I love you too

I quickly got dressed in curve hugging jeans, a rusty red boho crop top and my tan wedge booties. I put on a hint of makeup and put my hair in a ballerina bun with a lavender colored scrunchie to match the light purple in the top. Then I grabbed my purse and brushed my teeth until they were glistening white. I texted Sarah telling her I needed to get to school early so I wasn't going to be home since I was going to take an Uber.

The Uber arrived moments later and I was on my way to see Ric. I needed to get as many selfies as possible for his contact photo and for my lock screen. I arrived to school 10 minutes later and let Ric know. He was standing by his motorcycle and waved me over. There was hardly anyone here yet since it was still too early.

We embraced very tightly when I got over to him, both of us refusing to let one another go.

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