Chapter Seventy Five

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~ Two months later/ Eight months pregnant ~

"Alright everyone this next assignment is worth half of your grade." Ric paced around the classroom, handing out the paper that explained it. We had to form a group of three people and film a video of us recreating an important moment in history. I glanced back at Sarah and Elijah, we gave each other thumbs ups so we knew we'd work together. As Ric explained the directions in more detail, I felt something run down my legs. I was confused so I quickly rushed to the bathroom, thinking I had to pee. It took me a second to realize what happened. My water had broke.

Ric texted me not even a minute later.

Ric: You ok babe? You kinda ran out of the classroom

Me: Um, I'm ok.. my water broke...

Ric: Wait.. does that mean what I think it does?

Me: we're gonna be parents soon.. what do I do??

As I texted him, I did my best to remain calm.

Ric: I'll call the nurse and tell him without everyone hearing. I will meet you down there

Me: Babe I can barely move. I'm scared, please come get me..

Ric: On my way.

Within moments Ric was there. He knelt down in front of me, we still had time but I was nervous. "What do we do? I can't deliver our baby in school." "I called the nurse, he's coming." All I could do was nod. The nurse was there with a wheelchair a few minutes later and so was Sarah with my stuff. Ric had told her before he came to me. "I called the ambulance already. They will be here soon so let's get you outside." The nurse explained. I looked over at Ric, there was no way I was having this baby without him there. "I have a plan. Trust me." He whispered in my ear, I acknowledged what he said with an Okay.

The nurse, with Ric's help, got me downstairs while I held my stuff in my lap. I had texted my parents as we waited for the ambulance to arrive. They arrived in what felt like a nanosecond. I trusted Ric, I knew he was going to be there. As the workers loaded me up, Ric gave me a nod. It was going to be okay, it was almost time to meet our baby girl.

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