Chapter Fifty Five

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Over the next few days, we got confirmation from all of the people we invited would be attending our wedding. We also found our officiant. All that was left was what we were going to wear. I was so excited but yet nervous. This was a huge leap of faith but it was going to be worth it if it meant that I would spend forever with Ric and our baby girl.

"Okay guys, you have an upcoming project. It'll be due at the beginning of next month." Ric walked around the classroom. "What's the project?" I asked as he walked. "It's an oral report. You have to find an event from history that is meaningful to you and write an essay as if you're living in that event." I hid my blush when he said oral as the class groaned.

"Does is have to be memorized?" Hayley was back unfortunately, but she wasn't allowed to be anywhere near me since my parents filled a restraining order against her. "No it doesn't. But I want it exciting so maybe have a PowerPoint or something to make it more interesting." I jotted down notes as Ric spoke, thinking about what I wanted to do.

"I won't be in town the 26th through the 1st so it'll be due the 3rd." Ah yes, our honeymoon week. I was so excited. "Any questions?" Hayley raised her hand, "I do. Why won't you be here?" Ric glanced at me quickly, "Why does that matter to you Hayley?" "I was just wondering, God." She rolled her eyes, ignoring me completely. "That's all I have for you today so talk amongst yourselves until the bell rings. And Violet, may I speak with you about something?" "Sure." I got up and walked over to his desk.

He had a notebook open with two tickets taped to the open page. They were tickets to a movie in Staunton for 7pm tonight. To make it less suspicious, Ric made it look like he had a question about my work. "Does this work?" I nodded, "Yes." We both knew what each other meant. He smiled up at me as I grinned at him. "Okay, that's all." He quickly rubbed my hand before I sat back down.

I couldn't wait for our date tonight. It was gonna be perfect.

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