Q and A!

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Well.. It was a lot harder than expected..

Ive followed everyone who submitted their questions, and now you get to laugh at my awkwardness :D


livelaughlovelifeeee :

What inspired you to create this book?

The chance to get my books and writing out there, and to be writing about something I really like as well. My English teacher said I should write a book, this isn't what she meant.. But close enough. Not to mention Ethan.. I wrote this for Ethan..

thevoicekidsEthan :

Why do Cat and Brai hang out by themselves all the time?

Because they smell. Just kidding, Brai and Cat I hope you read that. OMG, that rhymes. I have no idea. Because I totally forgot I put them in the story and had to work around that. Oopsie daisies.

srah_is_awesome :

When you first started writing 'My Ethan Karpathy', what did you think about the book and it's views?

I actually didn't have many reads for quite some time. I was writing it on my phone and I actually made so many autocorrect and writing errors.. I am slowly editing, but I have learned that editing takes a lot longer than you would think. One day my reads just went so high, like from 500 to 1K overnight. It just kept going up, so I kept writing, and now here I am.

What would be your three most favourite foods?

Hmm.. Bacon, expensive cheese and Jai Waetford. 😂😊

catnv_ :

Is Catherine cool?

Catherine is Bae. Total super cali swag ilistic, sexy hella dopeness right there. <-- that's my lame side coming out.

Is Catherine better than Brai?

Um, of course. Sorry Brai.

Why does Ethan cry so much? - Brai and Cat.

Would you cry if the love of your life's mum died, then ran away from you, got with another person, came back only to find out that your mum is dying, your mum dies, you have no family, the love of your life gets raped, leaves you to commit suicide, gets saved, leaves you again because they think you cheated on you, comes back and tries to commit suicide again?

cheeky2002 :

Who's your favourite singer? (Not anyone in this book)

THIS IS SO NOT FAIR AND HELLA TERRIBLE FOR ME BECAUSE I CANT SAY JAI, but if it's not Jai, or Ethan, or Chris, it would probably be Taylor Swift I guess.

VanessaPantoja :

*deep voice* what are your thoughts on Nutella?

I ACTUALLY HEARD A RUMOUR GOING AROUND THAT ETHAN DIDNT LIKE NUTELLA but then he commented on a post saying his sister Tahlia (someone please clarify if that's his sisters name?) tricked him into dipping his strawberries into it think it was chocolate. Now he kind of likes it so.. My thoughts on Nutella are that it is sexier than all the boys at my school.

darcey13 :

What's your favourite colour?

Lellow for the win.

Whats your favourite song?

Shy- Jai Waetford. That song is perfect I swear to god.

Do you have a pet? If so, what's it's name?

I practically own a zoo.

I have two dogs, Roxy and Lincoln. Roxy is a chihuahua and Lincoln is a Kelpie cross Border Collie. I also have an unnamed turtle which I basically call 'Mr Turtle'. I have four goldfish called Angel, Fatty, Fatty junior and Goldy. I didn't name them. I have god knows how many yabbies, Probably over 20. We named them after harry potter characters, but I really don't know which one is which. I think Voldermort died the other day. Severus ate him. I also have six rabbits.. We started out with two rabbits when our Guinea pigs died, which we called Truffles and Penny. Then we found a rabbit on the side of the road.. Then we got given a rabbit by mums work. We left them outside to play, not knowing what gender the new ones were, and BAM. I woke up one morning, went outside, opened the hutch... Seven baby rabbits. Basically five of them didn't make it, but now I have two of the absolute cutest bunnies. They are mini and so soft and cuddly. If you cup your hands together, they take up that amount of space. Their the cutest things. I also used to have a lizard and a bird.. But they died :(

What would you name your kids? With Jai of course!

This is the best question I've ever received. Shoutout to Darcy over here.

To be perfectly honest, I've already got this planned out. We will have one boy and one girl called Oakley and Stacey. We will live in Venice because that's where he said he wanted to live.

xxEK_foreverxx :

How long can you hold your breath?

I'm not really sure.. Sometimes I can hold my breath easily but some times I just can't.

Can you sing?

My shower, hairbrush and mirror are my biggest fans. So, no.

Do you prefer chocolate or lollies?


Do you prefer tea or coffee?

Tea for the win.
Can you do a handstand?

Ever since my grade three accident, I try to avoid it.

Can you do a cartwheel?

Ever since the grade five accident, I try to avoid that too. I've had bad experiences with this stuff.

Is that enough questions?

I don't think I was meant to put this as a question, but no.

What is your favourite place to shop?

The food shop.

Fluffykinz :

Where do you live? (Country wise)

'Straya m8

Okay, so I really hope I haven't forgotten anyone.. I don't think I did. Please let me know if I forgot you, I'll edit the chapter. I basically wanted to publish this right before the last chapter so it's not so awkward.. Read on.

Peace, love and Ethan Karpathy.

Let Yourself Fall // sequel to My Ethan KarpathyWhere stories live. Discover now