Chapter 85.

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This chapter is dedicated to darcey13 for the dm on instagram. She wrote the nicest thing on a balloon for me 😏 she also said I was going to grow up to marry Jai 😏😏 so please, PRETTYY PLEASEE read her Ethan book called 'why does forever mean never' because what she's got so far is really good 😏 I use that emoji way too much.


No, I need to get away. I don't need to go home, I need to go somewhere I don't feel trapped in my feelings. I don't want Jai, I don't want Brai, I don't want Ethan. I don't need them, I only need some time to myself and the girls. I don't just mean a day out, I mean like a trip, a mini holiday maybe. It's my birthday next month, and maybe it can sort itself out by then. I don't know where I'm going, and I don't know what I'm doing, but I know I need to get away from here. I can hear the shouts of Brai and Ethan in the background as I gather my stuff, tears streaming down my face. I cry way too much, but I can't help it. My life is miserable, everything I love is slipping away from me. I take the other exit out so I don't have to walk through that again, and head out into the broad daylight. The sun hurts my eyes and makes my head ache, but I keep going. I walk as quickly as possible back to the caravan. Jai is sitting out the front, but when he sees me, he stands up. He comes over and hugs me. There's one thing I noticed different, I don't feel it anymore, and I don't think he does either. It just feels exactly like it used to, as friends.

"Jai, we need to go home." I say, remembering that Jai's home isn't where I am. Jai's spent so long in WA with us that I've completely forgotten that he doesn't live there. I know it's only a matter of time before his break ends and he has to to back.

"Oh, the fight still went down?" He asks with an apologetic look in his eye.

"You could say that." I shrug and collapse into another hug.

He has the caravan pulled down and Dean over here with his car before an hour had even passed. We pile all our bags into the back of the car and jump in. Dean takes the caravan back to his friends house and drives us to the airport. We check the board and see that there is a flight home in 50 minutes, so we don't have to hurry. We get our boarding passes, bag check and pass through security with 30 minutes to spare.

We walk around the airport, looking at all the shops and cafés. We stop in one near our gate and sit down. A teenage waitress comes along, but stops short when she sees Jai. He had sunnies and a cap on, I didn't think anyone would recognise him.

"Oh my god, your Jai Waetford!" She squeals, making some heads turn. Jai sort of looks around him like everyone else does, and so do I. Most of the heads turn back around and the waitress looks around guiltily.

"No, I'm not Jai Waetford!" Jai says back innocently, making his voice sound different. That makes him sound hilarious, and I can't help but laugh.

"No, you are!" She insists.

"No, I'm not Jai Waetford! I think I would know if I was Jai Waetford." he says.

"He's not attractive enough to be Jai Waetford." I pipe up, making him shoot me a weird stare.

"Can you please just take our orders?" Jai asks, smirking a bit.

"Um, yeah.." The waitress trails off, eyeing him suspiciously as she pulls her pen out of her pocket.

"We'd like two hot chocolates please." he says as she scurries away.

"Hey!" He says jokingly, slapping my arm across the table.

"I didn't do anything." I say innocently.

"You totally just said I wasn't hot enough to be Jai Waetford!" He whines quietly. "I am so hot enough to be Jai Waetford." he adds, flicking his hair even though it does nothing.

Let Yourself Fall // sequel to My Ethan KarpathyWhere stories live. Discover now