New Style

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Chapter 1, New Style.


I came out of the cave me and Alex were hiding in. Hiding from Illusion. My chicken onesie has met its end and I'm now wearing something new.

I put on a white chicken hoodie. Almost identical to what I used to have. Now I just wore some brown jeans and had a dark green shirt under my hoodie. Of course, I kept my brown blindfold. It's the second most important thing to me. The first is a necklace. I showed it to Rainbow once, but only once.

It was a green necklace that was made of two different stones. The first was an emerald that almost looked like a circle of the next part of the necklace wasn't there. The second part was made of Ruby a Red Cross that seemed to be breaking out of the emerald circle.

I sigh holding the necklace in my hand for just a few seconds before going back to where Alex is. She looked at me when I found her. She wore a green T-shirt and had reddish-orange hair in a ponytail. She has grey jeans and brown boots. Her skin was definitely on the more pale side but freckles ran across her face.

"Sabre? What are you wearing?" She looked slightly confused.

"My chicken onesie was at its end. So I changed into something else and will now only wear it when I sleep."

"It definitely looks better." She says smiling. I slowly smile back. I go up to her and hug her.

"I'm just happy I'm not out here alone anymore." I have been alone for a while and it's nice to be here with anyone again even if I had to fight her at first. More like run, but close. Very close.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem more tired than normal." Alex asked me for the millionth time.

"I'm sure don't worry." I haven't been able to sleep well for a while now. I just don't know the next time Illusion will attack me... now us. We both suddenly hear thunder outside and very soon a familiar creepy voice.

"Alex~ I know you're here." Illusion Steve called out to her.

"It sounds like he knows what's going on." I sighed in frustration, We have no way out of this cave.

"It's okay. Let's see what he wants." We both left the cave we were in taking any items we might need. We soon see him standing at the exit. He wore a grey hoodie and purple-blue jeans. His hair matched his jeans and his eyes were dark grey. A sinister dark grey.

"I was wondering when you would come out and Sabre good to see you too!" He grins.

"You're just mad that I'm not affected by your powers." I know exactly why I'm not, but that's not important right now. I looked up at Illusion.

"Let's get you back to my side now shall we?" Lightning strikes and thunder rings in my ears. It didn't strike on me, but it struck on Alex.

"Alex!" I scream out as she lowers her head. The lighting soon stops and Illusion smirks. I look back at Alex and go in front of her worriedly. I see her eyes were closed and she seemed to be in a trance.

"What did you do to her?!" I scream at him angrily. I just got her back a day or two ago. I can't lose her now. I don't have anyone else. Galaxy is trapped in his mind and the Illusion's world. Time Steve was destroyed. The Guardian is missing. The Overseer is probably dead from the infection... I'm utterly alone without Alex.

"She is just under my control again Sabre. There is no reason for you to worry so much." He rolls his eyes.

"Worry?! You have just taken control of my friend!" I get a sword out ready to attack him. I always have at least two iron swords on me and rarely bows and arrows and if I am really trying to get ready for a fight I get a shield, but at the moment I only have two swords.

"You need to understand I am helping you. You can be happy now and no longer have to fight the villains you have." He tries to convince me once again.

"I rather live in a world where-" I was cut off by feeling a sword cut my back. I trip forward and catch myself to see Alex holding the sword that is now covered in my blood. Alex's eyes were not green or even her glowing green when she gets angry, but they were purple and blue just like last time when he has control over her and everyone else here.

"Are you so sure about that?" He lifts his hand and Alex relaxes from her fighting stance.

"I'm sure." He goes right in front of me. A little too close for comfort. I take a step back.

"Well, then I suggest you run." He strikes lighting on me and I do the only thing I can do. Run away.

"Alex now." I hear Illusion Steve say as I run out of the cave. I couldn't hear anything else they said, but I could hear the sounds of thunder. Thankfully me and Alex found this cave system in a dark oak forest.

I run through the forest ignoring the stinging pain in my back. I ran as quickly as I could through the bushes and trees. Sometimes the lighting would strike me, but I did my best not to react. I didn't want to give up my location. I can't give up my location.

I kept running until I found a place to hide; a small ditch in the ground. I jump down feeling the height of the fall sting my legs, but nothing more. I hide against the wall and wait. I keep hearing Thunder around the area, but soon it gets really close to me. I see Alex and Illusion standing right above me. I cover my mouth and stay dead still.

"So he isn't here... At least not in this area." I heard a darker version of Alex's voice says. I know it's her when she is corrupted. I know that voice too well.

"Good, soon he will have to come and face us. How else will save the Steves." He made the finger quotation marks with his hand as he said to save the Steves. I roll my eyes. It's not the first time I have after four years of fighting for them.

"What do we do once we find him?" She questioned him.

"Simple. Kill him. He has no use for this world. He never had one." He laughs with his demonic voice. Well as close as he can get with his voice. Demon Steve is way better with that. I couldn't help, but feel scared when he said kill. Not because I was scared to die. I was scared of what would happen once I went to my next life.

"Very well Illusion," Alex says as she is about to fly off. She doesn't have wings so she flies like a god. It's a lot slower and less maneuverable than wings, but it works for them.

"Don't kill him the moment you see him though. It will be nice to let Galaxy Steve see his best friend die right in front of him." If I wasn't already frozen from trying to stay still I would have frozen up from that comment.

"Very well." She flies off and soon after Illusion teleports away.

I take a deep breath as I start to calm down from the burning pain in my chest. In more ways than one. I held my chest in pain.

"Stay hidden and stay safe...." I tell myself. I have a bad habit of talking to myself. Especially when no one else is around.

I do my best to check my back and sigh with relief. The wound already stopped bleeding if you could call it that. It was more like a long scratch. I clean the blood off my clothes and back and fix my hoodie and shirt. Fixing clothes is something I'm good at especially since they get torn from swords and knives. I sit down and look up at the blue sky I can barely see from the cover of the trees.

Once I calmed myself down I put my hoodie back on. I lay down on the ground in a comfortable position. I was more or less curled up in a ball using my arms as a pillow for my head. After a few minutes, I fall asleep. I have nothing better to do right now anyways.

(Words 1457) Yup here is the chapter of My Inner Code rewrite. I'm happy you guys are here and ready to see how much I fix and how much better the chapters are.

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