Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Another contract?

Surprisingly, the moment Suyang heard my words, he froze and his facial expression appeared aghast.

Huh? This guy….is afraid of ghosts? The corner of my mouth curved into a sinister smile. I evilly gazed at Suyang and vowed that I must make him lose his mind before I quit.

“Hey, do you believe in ghosts?”

“There are no such thing as ghosts!” Suyang straightened his chest and spoke in his clear, shaky voice. But it didn’t seem like he was saying it to me. It sounded like he was trying to self-hypnotize himself.

Now that I was certain Suyang was afraid of ghosts, I slowly got up from the couch and swayed my way to his side. I adopted a frightening expression and whispered, “Ghosts….are things that you cannot see! Perhaps, there is one hanging by your living room window right now!”

I calmly lifted my hand and pointed towards the living room window that had no ghost.

Suyang followed the direction of my finger and stared. I clearly noticed his pupils widening.

“AHAHAHAHAHA!” Seeing him like this, I couldn’t help but burst out into laughter. “I can’t believe you’re scared of ghosts!”

Suyang solemnly looked at me, “Who said I’m afraid of ghosts? I already told you. There are no such things as ghosts in this world! Why would I be afraid of something that doesn’t exist?”

“Yes yes yes. There are no ghosts in this world. No need to worry…” I patted Suyang’s back in a comforting manner.

If I were honest and told him that his apartment was already the home of many ghosts, he would probably be scared shitless. In addition, I was afraid he would kick me out. So after scaring him a bit, I hopped back to my room.

I stared at my bedroom window for a long time. There wasn’t a ghost in the living room, but there was one in my room.

After I was certain I had locked the doors, I moved my chair over and sat by the window to observe the mistress.

“Honestly, tell me what’s the point of being a ghost? You can’t carry weight on your shoulders. You can’t raise your hands to strike. You can’t even touch a person you want to touch. What’s the point of staying in this world? Why don’t you leave? Is there something you miss too much and want to hold on too?”

Suddenly, I asked the mistress all the questions that had been going through my mind after all these years.

Her lifeless pupils became alert, and the mistress fixedly glared at me like she wanted to say something. However, since she opened her eyes too wide, bright red blood was spilling out from the rim of her eyes.

By now, I was accustomed to seeing fierce-looking ghosts, so it didn’t affect me much anymore. “Are you crying? See? As a ghost, you can’t even speak and express yourself. I can’t guess what you’re trying to say….”

Hearing my words, her pupils became lifeless again. She vented, and now she had to suppress her thoughts again.

“I heard from Grandmother Meng that ghosts stay in this world due to resentment. Something about their so-called aura makes it impossible for them to leave. Could this be you too?”

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