Chapter 79

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Chapter 79: Suyang was anxious

Obviously, Mo Xiaotian had no idea I had a motive for walking up to her. She innocently smiled and assumed I was a server as she exchanged her wine glass with a champagne glass while she continued her conversation with her husband.

“Lu Wenxue’s student….” I quietly whispered into her ear. Then, I acted as if nothing happened and rushed away.

I was afraid she would reveal a frightened expression as it would make others question my identity. So, I quickly headed to an area where there were no one else around. If she wanted to chase after me, we could have a chat one on one.

I headed towards the female washroom.

As expected, in a few moments, Mo Xiaotian joined me as well.

“Who are you?” Although this wasn’t exactly the ideal place to meet, at least we were alone. I didn’t immediately respond to Mo Xiaotian’s question. I made sure to check to see there were no one else in any of the stalls before I opened my mouth.

“Hi. My name is Lin Yixin.”

“You know Teacher Lu? What is your relationship with Teacher Lu? And what is your motive for talking to me?” Mo Xiaotian coldly questioned me. She appeared very guarded.

“I’ll make it clear. I need your help. In order for you to trust me, I’m willing to answer all your questions one by one. First of all, I know Lu Wenxue, and I know his situation isn’t as simple as it may appear. If you are willing to accept me, I’ll continue with more details. Secondly, I am only a person who wants to help Lu Zhengyang. I do not have much of a relationship with Lu Wenxue. I know ever since the incident, most of his students try to conceal the fact that you guys were his students. But it’s true that you were his student; even if you deny it. One day, you’ll know that being his student is a thing to be proud of. Lastly, the reason why I’m approaching you is because I want to borrow your name and power in society.”

“I’m really sorry about what happened to Teacher Lu…. but that’s already the past. He has already died. There isn’t anything else I can do.”

Mo Xiaotian’s words gave me a glimmer of hope.

“Let me ask you. Do you believe your teacher killed someone?”

“What if I do? What if I don’t?”

“If you don’t believe it, then stand by my side and help clear his name.”

Mo Xiaotian dryly laughed as she lightly touched her wedding ring with her left hand. “You view me too highly. I’m only a woman who relies on her husband to survive. I honestly have no ability to help you. Don’t you know that those who have relationships with Teacher Lu are being treated coldly? I’m not going to take that risk. You may say that I’m selfish and cruel. Let’s pretend we’ve never met today.”

Then, Mo Xiaotian turned around to leave.

“How can you…” I clenched my fist as I yelled at her rear view, “As his ex student, you’re not willing to help him clear his name? Don’t forget. If it wasn’t for him, how would you have left that small town of yours?”

Mo Xiaotian paused and remained still.

Suddenly, I realized my words were a bit too much. I sounded quite resentful. It wasn’t my intentions to sound so bitter.

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