Chapter 24

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Chapter 24: Suyang is so childish

I rented out the apartment that I had previously lived in and officially moved in with Suyang to work for him. Although my title was an assistant, in reality, I was really a female servant and a little white mouse in an experiment.

Everyday, I had to wash his clothes and prepare three meals. Furthermore, aside from his bedroom, I had to clean the entire apartment. In addition, I had to partake or be his victim in all sorts of pranks.

For instance, occasionally, he would throw me a packet of chewing gum. But once, I was zapped the moment I caught the chewing gum, and he held onto his belly as he roared into laughter.

Another time, he stuck a note behind my back while I wasn’t paying attention. On that fateful day, he deliberately brought me out with him. I didn’t realize he had used superglue to stick a note behind my back until I noticed a lot of strange glances. On the note, there was an arrow pointing to the left, which had “the smartest person in the world” written on it.

I finally understood why Suyang insisted on standing to my left.

I didn’t know if I, as the victim, lost more face, or he, the self-proclaimed smartest person, was worse off. In brief, Suyang was extremely fond of these childish pranks. He never seemed to get tired of them.


On one ordinary day, I had just returned home from buying groceries. The moment I entered the apartment, I saw Suyang curled up on the couch. He appeared distressed and sorrowful as if there were black clouds looming over his face. My intuition was telling me that if I ask him what was wrong, I would ultimately be the one to be out of luck. So, I pretended not to see anything as I stealthily tried to slip into the kitchen.

“You’re back…..” Suyang used a downcast tone as he looked at me with his droopy eyes.

Ah. Damn it. He caught me!

I turned around and showed him the bags that I was holding, “Yeah, I just came back with the groceries and I’m going to put them in the fridge now.”

“Put down the groceries. Can’t you see how upset I am?” Suyang bitterly glared at me. is he implying he wants me to go comfort him or something? that he was my boss, I didn’t really have a choice. So, I obediently put down the groceries and walked over to the couch. “May I ask what is wrong, boss?” I patiently asked.

Suyang raised his head and immediately I noticed the dark circles under his eyes.

“You didn’t sleep last night? Were you up all night writing again?”

Suyang shook his head as he patted the package that he had around his arms. He gazed at me with a pitiful expression. “Last night, I had a dream. I dreamt that I had turned into a stray cat. I didn’t have a home, food, or an owner. When I encountered bad people, I was bullied. At the end, I starved to death in the rain….”

My eyes grew big, and I had a very bad feeling about this. “So…?”

Suyang shoved the package he was holding towards me. “Today, you must hand out the cat food to all the stray cats in the area. All of it. Nothing must be left over.”

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