Chapter 151 - 152

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Chapter 151: I need you in my life 

My fists were clenched. “You don’t understand? Allow me to make it clearer. You told Suyang Xu Chuqiao had sent someone to investigate you. So, you wanted him to keep an eye out for me. But you had no idea that the person would be someone who he had dated before. Suyang told you he knows me. As long as you “accidentally” told me about your past and begged me after, I’ll soften and decide to keep the secret hidden forever. You’ll be able to get what you want and also use me to help you get rid of the misunderstanding between you and Xu Chuqiao. Na Wei’s letter would be the key for helping you mend your relationship with your son, am I correct?”

It has been three years. Suyang wasn’t the only one who could speculate. He can’t manipulate me like he used to. 

Yao Youfan sighed and touched her heart. She regretfully stated, “You’re actually quite different from Suyang’s description of you.”

“The person he thought I was is gone. I’m no longer the person I was three years ago.”

“So what is your next step?”

“I will tell my client that the will is real. I will tell him everything without missing a word. This is my job. I am devoted to my occupation.”

“Do you know what happens if you go against me? It’s not something you can handle.”

To me, Yao Youfan’s words sounded very childish. This wasn’t some gangster movie. “You’re not the first person who’ve tried to threaten me. People in my field are often threatened. Anyhow, I’m going to leave now. If I were you, I would think of a countermeasure to deal with Xu Chuqiao’s interrogation instead.”

I left the blank Yao Youfan where she was and left emotionlessly.

When I left the house, I realized I was still wearing a scarf around my face….surprisingly I was able to put up such a powerful act with my ridiculous appearance. I roughly removed the scarf off my face and angrily stared at my mirror’s reflection.

Suyang! Humph… I had underestimated him. I almost fell into his trap again. For a moment, I actually considered hiding the truth for Yao Youfan. It would’ve been what he wanted. Knowing this, I felt a burning anger.

I violently kicked an empty can by my feet. The sound of metal crashing against a wall rang in my ear.

Could he have gotten back with me to help Yao Youfan? Suyang actually lied to me for her. Perhaps he wasn’t what he said he was. Maybe he still hated me and wanted to get revenge.

My mind was a mess. I didn’t have any written evidence, but I took out the recording device from my pocket. It was running the whole time. I finally turned it off. Earlier, I turned it on the moment Yao Youfan entered the house.

My hands were shaky. I completed my task, but my heart was suffering. I was experiencing the feeling of loss from three years ago. It was slowly devouring my flesh, blood, and spirit.

In the afternoon, I went to Xu Chuqiao's office and submitted my report to him. I told him the truth about the will and gave him the USB recording of my conversation with Yao Youfan. It didn’t matter whether he believed me or not. I had completed my mission.

Now, whatever that happens in the Xu family was no longer my issue. It was Xu Chuqiao who wanted to find out. He had to take responsibility for his decision. As for me, I had my own issues to deal with.

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