Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: Hong Xiaobei’s story (Part 4 *final*)

Xu Weishan weakly leaned against the wall as she icily laughed. Earlier, she had secretly went through Kevin’s phone. She noticed there was a girl in the photo album who looked exactly like her. However, she was wearing a fast food uniform. It was clearly not her.

At that moment, Xu Weishan felt like she had been betrayed by her family and lover.

She put away her kindhearted image and exposed her true jealous, crafty nature. Xu Weishan secretly vowed that she will get revenge: You two treated me like this. I’ll definitely not let you guys go.

A few days later, Xu Weishan received a text from Hong Xiaobei. Hong Xiaobei wanted to meet her at a very deserted place. She said she had something important she wanted to discuss with her.

“Perfect….” Ever since Kevin saw Hong Xiaobei, it was as if he had gone through trauma. He refused to pick up any of Xu Weishan’s calls. He wouldn’t even leave his house.

Before their appointment, Xu Weishan went to the supermarket and bought a knife. She placed it in her million dollar bag.

The meeting place was an abandoned old chemical factory. Combined with the black, gloomy clouds, it seemed like the perfect setting for a crime to take place.

Based on Hong Xiaobei’s body language, Xu Weishan could instantly tell she wanted to borrow money. Deep down, she hollowly laughed. Now, simply the look of Hong Xiaobei’s face irked her.

“200k? Why do you need so much?” The previous Xu Weishan would’ve lent it it Hong Xiaobei regardless of the amount. However, the moment Xu Weishan thought of her sister and Kevin’s conversation, all she felt was hatred.

I’m begging you not to say this. Please, treat my sister well.”

The more she replayed Hong Xiaobei’s words in her mind, the more bitter she felt.

Was she pitying her? She was actually being pitied by someone so poor and low in society? All along, she had appeared in front of Hong Xiaobei like a savior. She will absolutely not allow their positions to switch!

No matter what, Xu Weishan could not swallow this down. So, she firmly refused Hong Xiaobei’s request.

“I know this request is unreasonable. If it weren’t for a fact that a child I know is in need of an operation, I wouldn’t ask you for the money either, sister. But I really have no other choice. Sister, please help me! I only need 200k and the child will be able to go through the surgery. I will eventually pay you back….” Hong Xiaobei pleaded.

“Pay me back? How are you going to pay me back? Ever since we have met, how much have you taken from me? How are you going to pay back?” Xu Weishan coldly responded, “Also, why do you always ask me for money?”

From the dim lighting, Hong Xiaobei clearly noticed Xu Weishan’s tone had changed. Her facial expression had also turned somewhat sinister.

“Sister, what do you mean?”

“Let me tell you, Kevin’s family is also very rich. If you’re so in need of money, why don’t you take advantage of his gold mine? Actually, no. You two have met a long time ago. You probably already know he is rich. Could it be that you’re doing it on purpose? True. It’s probably not good to step into two gold mines at the same time. You have to wait until one of them stops producing before you use the other…”

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